Help, I have ants in the bed!

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 6 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Can Ants Get In Your Bed?
Video: Can Ants Get In Your Bed?


Ants can cause damage in the bed

Help, I have ants in the bed!

There will never be a garden without crawling miniature animals. As a gardener you will not expect that, but too many ants are sometimes annoying. On the other hand, you can do something relatively easy, even without poison!

What harm can ants do to the bed?

Even if the ants do not eat your plants, they can harm them. On the one hand, an ant nest on the plants prevents the roots from absorbing enough water and nutrients to survive because contact with the soil is lost. Instead, small cavities form.

On the other hand, ants like to care for and protect aphids and they certainly do not want to have their plants. Since the ants even expel natural enemies of the aphids such as ladybugs, it is difficult to get rid of the lice.

How do I distribute ants?

Ants prefer a dry, loose soil if possible without direct sunlight. That's why their nests are often found in the forest. In the garden, ants like to nest their nests under stones or trees or near the enclosure. If you water abundantly your affected plants (if they can tolerate it), it will be uncomfortable for the ants and they will probably move.

A displacement with fragrances is quite possible. Strongly smelling herbs such as lavender or chervil, but also spices such as cloves or cinnamon are suitable for this. Also suitable are unpleasant "fragrant" vegetable or fragrant essential oils. A fight against aphids also eliminates the ants.

Tips to drive away ants:

Can I prevent ants infestation?

To some extent, ants are even classified as beneficials, but they should not settle anywhere. To keep them from getting into your home so easily, try to keep them away by making your patio and / or near-garden pathways unattractive for ants.

For example, use sharp basalt split instead of fine sand for paving. For the joints, there are special mortars based on synthetic resin, which, although permeable to water, leaves neither ants nor weeds in the joints.


Ideally, you combine different ant fight methods.