So simply multiply your amaryllis with offshoots

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Radical Propagation - Hippeastrum (amaryllis) Chipping
Video: Radical Propagation - Hippeastrum (amaryllis) Chipping


The amaryllis forms daughter onions

So simply multiply your amaryllis with offshoots

If your knight star was granted an autumnal respite, the onion sometimes has a surprise in its luggage. If you amaze your Amaryllis in November, the small offshoots immediately catch your eye. How to skilfully use the daughter onions for propagation can be found out here.

Recognize mature offspring - tips on the characteristics

Great is the joy when presenting an amaryllis onion with small offshoots. If you separate prematurely the mother and daughter onions, your hopes for a strong, young knight star will be disappointed. These features help you recognize the perfect time:

Furthermore, it is advantageous if an offshoot already has its own root strands. The better the separation from the mother tuber is absorbed.

Plant and care for Amaryllis offshoot - That's the way it works

Cut a ripe onion with a clean, sharp knife. The cuts are dusted with a little charcoal dust or rock flour. Then pick up a 14 cm pot to drain a pottery shard over the bottom opening. As substrate, we recommend a mix of flower and cactus soil in equal parts, enriched with perlite or lava granules. Proceed as follows:

Until the beginning of the flowering period, your pup stays in the partially shaded spot with ideal temperatures between 18 and 20 degrees Celsius. Parallel to the budding of the first bud, the knight star then takes its place on the sunny windowsill. Proportional to the growth, the amount of irrigation water is increased. The first fertilizer should be administered only when the green leaves sprout.


The seeds for the propagation by sowing you can also win from knight star cut flowers. To do this, leave the bouquet in the vase until the flowers are completely withered and the seed pods are slightly opened. Please first wipe gloves before harvesting the poisonous seed.