The cyclamen - which location is suitable

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Cyclamen Flower Care Guide | 6 Best Rules to Look After Cyclamen
Video: Cyclamen Flower Care Guide | 6 Best Rules to Look After Cyclamen


The cyclamen likes it cool and not too sunny

The cyclamen - which location is suitable

Before you go to work and plant the cyclamen, you should have dealt with its location requirements. Not everywhere does this perennial feel comfortable. The wrong location can mean, among other things, a shortened or a loss of flowering ...

Bright and moderately warm - no direct sun

In addition to high humidity, cyclamen attaches importance to a moderate temperature. Temperatures between 10 and 15 ° C are most ideal for growth and for a long time to flourish.

The cyclamen should never be placed in a direct south facing position, where it is relentlessly exposed to the sun. The following locations are more suitable:

Tips & Tricks

Not only above, but also below, the conditions should be right and tuned to the cyclamen. The soil should be well drained, humic, nutrient rich and slightly moist.