Moving at the cyclamen: It's on the balcony!

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 15 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Moving at the cyclamen: It's on the balcony! - Garden
Moving at the cyclamen: It's on the balcony! - Garden


The cyclamen on the balcony must not get too much sun

Moving at the cyclamen: It's on the balcony!

A cyclamen in the room hold - anyone can. But what does it look like when this perennial moves to the balcony? Does it tolerate the temperatures and what is there to pay particular attention in the care?

When cooling, cyclamen feel more comfortable

Cyclamen do not like high temperatures. Cooling makes you feel better. If it is overheated in the apartment in autumn and winter, the balcony on frost-free days is just right for the cyclamen.Ideal are temperatures between 10 and 15 ° C. Then cyclamen flower much longer than in the warm room.

In winter: do not let the pot freeze through

It should not be too cold at the location. Many cyclamen tolerate no frost. If you still want to spend the winter outside on the balcony, it is important to protect them properly.

For wintering a place near the house wall should be considered. There are protected cyclamen. In addition, you should do the following:

In summer: save from heat death

It often comes in the summer to temperatures above 30 ° C. On the balcony, the heat accumulates and the temperatures can climb even higher. For this reason, cyclamen on an east, west or south balcony is not a suitable location in summer. They would succumb to the heat. It is better to plant them in a shady cool place in the garden.

What should be taken care of during care?

Which companion plants are suitable

The cyclamen looks harmonically harmonized in color, in addition to the fat hen, several chrysanthemums, the winter heather or Erika. Beautifully cyclamen also appear in their flowering time next to leadwort.

Tips & Tricks

If you have cats in the house, you should be extra careful. They could jump onto the balcony railing or discover and nibble the poisonous cyclamen in their pots elsewhere.