The acacia as a bonsai tree

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 10 August 2021
Update Date: 17 June 2024
Redesigning an Acacia - Pierneef Style
Video: Redesigning an Acacia - Pierneef Style


The acacia can be trained with a little patience for bonsai

The acacia as a bonsai tree

In the wild, acacia grows into large deciduous trees. Nevertheless, it is possible to limit their growth to a size so that the plant can even be cultivated in the bucket. Would you like to learn more about the Japanese bonsai art and its application especially in acacia? Below you will find many interesting information.

Usual forms of design

Although unlike other plants it is a bit more expensive to keep acacia than bonsai, it is quite possible. You will see that it is worth the effort, because not everyone has a deciduous tree that has one of these common forms:

The shape

To give your acacia a bonsai form, you should start as early as possible, if the tree has not grown too high. This also ensures a stronger branching.

Point of time

In spring and summer acacia forms new shoots. Cut them back regularly except for one leaf. The actual shaping pruning then takes place in winter.


More gentle than a radical pruning is the wire of the branches. However, the delicate, outer branches break off quickly. After four months at the latest, you must remove the wire so that it will not grow into the wood.

Further care tips

You can achieve even better growth of your acacia with the following measures:


Every second week, enrich the moist substrate with bonsai liquid fertilizer from March to August. In winter, a single fertilizer in the month is sufficient.

to water

Avoid both waterlogging and dehydration of the root ball. Always keep the soil slightly moist.


Bonsai acacia feel at temperatures around 18 ° C well. In winter, the range extends to 12-20 ° C. You should pay attention to a good humidity. A bright location is ideal for wintering. Even in summer, your acacia requires sufficient light. The placement is conceivable in a sunny place outdoors.