Maple loses its bark - what causes the problem?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Maple Tree Bark Disease-Basal Canker Symptoms and Causes
Video: Maple Tree Bark Disease-Basal Canker Symptoms and Causes


If the maple loses its bark, a disease can be behind it, but it does not have to be

Maple loses its bark - what causes the problem?

A maple without its bark is as unable to survive as a human being without the skin. Immediately search for the cause when the tree loses its bark. The most common triggers for the problem with tips for the right course of action can be found here.

Sootbark disease - danger to humans and maple

In parallel to global warming, maple trees in Germany develop a fungal disease whose typical symptom is peeling bark. Frequently affected are the species sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), maple (Acer platanoides) and field maple (Acer campestre). Unfortunately, the spores of the Cryptostroma corticale pathogen are also harmful to human health, especially if they are already susceptible to allergies. By these signs you recognize the sootbug disease:

If people inhale the flying spores, inflammation of the alveoli may occur. Infested maple trees should therefore be immediately cleared by professionals wearing protective equipment.

Kahlfrost breaks the bark - Tips for problem solving

A winter hardiness of up to - 40 degrees Celsius preserves maple trees not to lose the bark at Kahlfrost. The combination of dry cold and intense sunlight tugs the bark tissue until it breaks. Use the following options to help the tree heal its flaked bark:

Preventively put in winter wooden boards in front of the maple trunk or wrap the bark with reed mats. In addition, the recommended procedure has worked well if the bark has been lost due to game attack.


Home gardeners and foresters use the life-threatening consequences of bark loss to destroy a maple with potential dangers. When ringing, a 5 to 10 cm wide bark strip is removed in the lower trunk area and the cambium underneath is brushed off. Within 12 to 36 months, the tree collapses and comes in.