Transplant or repot a monkey tree properly

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 23 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Best Repotting Method, Hands-Down!
Video: The Best Repotting Method, Hands-Down!


Big monkey trees should not be transplanted

Transplant or repot a monkey tree properly

Transplanting a monkey tree in the field should only be considered in emergencies. It is better to pay attention to a favorable location when planting. If you keep an araucaria in the tub, you will need to repot the tree occasionally. Tips for transplanting and repotting.

Reasons to transplant a monkey tree

The monkey tree needs a favorable location if it is to thrive outdoors. If he is in a bad place, it may make sense to replant him.

A favorable location offers the following prerequisites:

If these conditions can not be met, you better plant it. This is especially true if the previous location is too dark or there is a risk of waterlogging.

When is the best time to transplant?

The Araucaria is a thermophile conifer. Transplanting should therefore never be done when it is too cold. It is best to plant the monkey tree in early summer or early autumn.

This is how it is transplanted

Do not forget to water the monkey tree well after transplanting, without damaging wetness developing. For the first time after, you should water it regularly to prevent browning of the needles.

When do you have to repot a monkey tree in the bucket?

Not hardy monkey tree varieties pull better right in the bucket, so you can overwinter them frost-free. If the Araucaria is pulled in the bucket, you will need to repot it occasionally.

It is time for a new planter, when the previous pot is completely rooted. Repotting is done in the spring or early summer.

Prepare a slightly larger pot by filling it with fresh substrate. Shake off the old soil before placing the monkey tree in the new container. Pour frequently. It is not fertilized in the first few months after repotting.


The ideal soil for monkey trees is water permeable and slightly acidic. Too calcareous and too warm soils lead to brown needles. Also, the earth should not be too nutrient-containing.