How are apples properly stored?

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to pick and store apples
Video: How to pick and store apples


Some apple varieties can be stored well in the cellar

How are apples properly stored?

Apples are by far the most popular fruit in Germany. As a true vitamin bomb, they are an ideal snack that is available year round and fits perfectly in school bags or handbags. But how can the apples harvested in late summer and autumn be stored for as long as possible and at the same time remain nicely crisp?

Which varieties can be stored well?

In the past, apples that remained fresh throughout the winter were called pas- sage camp apples. This term is hardly used today and if you ask for an apple tree for perennial varieties, many tree nurseries do not know what to do anymore. You will recognize good storage apples at the harvest season: the earlier an apple variety is ripe, the faster you should consume the fruits.

You can store these varieties very well:

Apples and pears should not be mixed

That's an old saying. This is because apples and tomatoes should be stored separately from the rest of the fruits and vegetables. They release ethylene, a plant hormone that initiates a natural ripening process that causes vegetables and fruits to spoil faster.

Apples are vitamin-rich chilblains

Apples are considered a bit tricky as far as the correct storage temperature is concerned. They love it very cool, but frost-free. The optimum temperatures for apple storage are between one and three degrees.

Would you like to store the apples properly, would therefore be an old vaulted cellar, if possible even with loamy soil, ideal. Unfortunately, this has become rather rare today. But also an unheated basement room with relatively high humidity is suitable. As an alternative, the garden house offers, as long as the temperature does not fall below freezing in the cold season.

Only store cool apples

Warm, sunny autumn days invite to the fruit harvest. However, you should not bring the sun-heated fruit directly to the winter storage. In order to be long-lasting, the fruits must cool down.

Store apples properly: this is how you have to proceed

There are several things to keep in mind so that the fruits do not rot and spoil prematurely:

Allow apples in the fridge

Already due to the temperatures of the refrigerator is not an optimal place for the apple storage. But if you have no other option, you can store the fruits for a short time in the vegetable compartment. Make sure that the apples are separated from fruits and vegetables. Wrap the fruits with a damp dishcloth to keep them crispy.

Freezing apples, is that possible?

Apples contain a lot of water, which forms small ice crystals when frozen. As they occupy more space than the liquid, the cell structure bursts. This changes the consistency and the fruits lose a lot of flavor. If only the possibility of freezing exists, you should first process the apples into applesauce.

Apples, the ideal dried fruit

Dried apple rings are easy to make yourself and make the fruit long-lasting in this way. Proceed as follows:


If you do not know where to go with the many apples of a big harvest, you can process excess fruit into delicious apple juice. Smaller amounts of juice can be easily produced in your own kitchen, larger quantities can be juiced in a cider factory.