Good reasons and procedures for fighting bracken

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 13 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Ni No Kuni 2 - How to play Bracken
Video: Ni No Kuni 2 - How to play Bracken


In controlling bracken, biological agents are significantly more effective than chemical braids

Good reasons and procedures for fighting bracken

With its picturesque growth, which is characterized by the gently swaying fronds, the bracken is a feast for the eyes. But not all gardeners see it that way. For some gardeners, this plant is annoying. Then fight strategies must serve ...

Reason: Bracken is poisonous!

The bracken is a very poisonous herb. In addition to other toxic substances, it is mainly the pteritanoic acid, which leads to poisoning in the body to death.

Both the consumption and the inhalation of spores can have serious consequences. This applies to humans and animals. This toxicity makes the bracken especially in households with children and animals an unpleasant guest on the property.

Reason: bracken is spreading fast!

Bracken is known for spreading in no time. He is particularly fond of settling on pastures and meadows where cows, horses, sheep, goats and co are grazing. In addition to its toxicity, it is its dominance that makes it unwelcome to gardeners.

At weakened locations he becomes king, and elsewhere he easily displaces other crops. With his shadow-throwing fronds and his materials, which prevent the germination of other seeds, he knows how to assert himself. His rhizome is extremely durable.

Control agent No. 1: Biological measures

The repeated mowing of the fronds has proved its worth. For the first time, they will be mown in June and for the second time in late July. After mowing the remnants are rolled down. After rolling, it is recommended to oversees the respective places.

Furthermore, the following measures to combat bracken help:

Second-choice control agents: chemical killers

You should wear gloves both when removing the plant and when using herbicides. Keep in mind that herbicides often do not work on bracken. The bracken is robust and willing to survive. He comes - if not in the first year - in the second year again. In addition, herbicides also poison other plants and living things.

Tips & Tricks

Before using herbicides you should inquire whether the respective herbicide has any effect on the bracken fern.