Cyprus grass - not hardy, but in need of protection

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Cyprus grass is very sensitive to cold

Cyprus grass - not hardy, but in need of protection

Many know it as a pond plant, which is rampant in the near future. Others know the Cyprus grass as a potted plant or aquarium plant for the room culture. Those who use it as a pond plant should bring it in winter ...

Previous article Cyprus grass: Extract offspring and root

Even low temperatures damage the Cyprus grass

Even temperatures below 10 ° C can cause considerable damage to some species of Cyprus grass. The majority of these sour grass plants come from the tropical and subtropical zones of the earth. There they are not exposed to low temperatures. Thus they could not adapt to temperatures below 10 ° C.

Frost does not tolerate most species at all. You enter in the episode.So, if your Cyprus grass is out in the garden pond or pot on the balcony, you should bring it in during the autumn to hibernate there.

Cyperus longus - a species that is very hardy

But as almost always in life there is also an exception. This is called Cyperus longus. It is a Cyprus grass species that is native to this country and therefore relatively hardy.

In protected locations, this Cyprus grass tolerates temperatures down to -17 ° C. In unprotected situations, it still comes with temperatures down to -12 ° C. This species is characterized by a fresh green foliage and brownish flowers. In the pond she feels well cared for.

Hibernate indoors - where and how?

Hibernation is obvious and that is important to note:

Care during the winter period

Even in winter, the Cyprus grass needs a small amount of care. Before hibernating, trim your Cyprus grass and remove any wilted parts. You hardly need fertilizer during the winter, if at all. It is important that the Cyprus grass is regularly sprayed with water.


Since Cyprus grass is usually very susceptible to pest infestation during indoor wintering, you should regularly check it for spider mites, thrips and sciarids in winter! Brown leaf tips could be a first warning.