Plum plum: Pure enjoyment in every season

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 6 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
SAVIOUR SQUARE (2006) / Ful Length Drama Movie / English Subtitles
Video: SAVIOUR SQUARE (2006) / Ful Length Drama Movie / English Subtitles


Plum plum: Pure enjoyment in every season

The sweet fruits retain their taste when inserted. Various marinades provide a long-lasting taste. We solve the mystery of the great art of preserving in vinegar or rum.

Recipe suggestion 1: put in vinegar



Boil wine, vinegar and sugar together and let it cool.

Remove stems and leaves from fruits, do not wash. Pierce the plums several times with a wooden rack and layer them in a stone jug.

Add the cold liquid of sugar and vinegar. After about 48 hours (2 days) drain the juice and bring to the boil again. In cold broth, let the plums be pulled in portions until they crack. Then layer again in the stone pot. Boil the broth until it is thick. After cooling, pour over the plums again.


For storage is a cool room. It is important to seal the stone pot with parchment paper and a kitchen cord airtight. As a variant, other vinegars with at least 5% acid are suitable.

Recipe suggestion 2: put in rum



Wash fruits and remove stems. Layer by layer with the sugar in preserving jars. Then fill up until the plums are lightly covered. Close the jars securely with screw or glass lid. For safe sealing, boil in boiling water or alternatively in the oven. When the first bubbles form, turn off the heat and remove the glasses.


After about 4 weeks the fruits are ripe for the first tasting. They are stable for about 18 to 24 months.

Tips & Tricks

Further preservation methods preserve the fruity aroma of plums. Depending on your preference, they can be frozen, boiled or dried. Enrich sweet or savory dishes with the juicy treats.