Do not waste a drop - freeze lemon juice

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Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 6 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
The Best Way to Store Your Lemons
Video: The Best Way to Store Your Lemons


Lemon juice can be practically portioned frozen in ice cubes

Do not waste a drop - freeze lemon juice

A few drops of lemon juice are enough to give many dishes a subtle hint of acidity and a refreshing aroma. The rest of the cut lemon does not last long. So squeeze everything and freeze the leftover juice for later!

Only fresh lemons offer quality

Although whole lemons are long lasting, over time they lose their freshness, shrivel, dry up or discolour. Even blue moldy lemons are not uncommon. But then it is too late to save their precious juice.

A sliced ​​lemon with its open surface provides an ideal breeding ground for germs of all kinds. It should therefore be used up within a day. If there is no possibility, then squeeze out the whole lemon.

How to squeeze a lemon completely

Lemon juice can be squeezed out with a special lemon squeezer. Even a juicer can help. If you do not have both, you do not have to waste a drop.

    First wash the lemon under lukewarm water. Place the lemon on a firm surface. Put your hand on it and roll it back and forth while applying firm pressure with your hand. Cut the lemon once in half and squeeze it out. In addition, you can pierce with a fork inside and turn the lemon half back and forth meanwhile. So even more juice can be squeezed out.


If you freeze the juice of a lemon, you should first grate the yellow peel on a grater. It flavored many baking recipes and can also be frozen well.

Eject all seeds

Before freezing, pass the freshly squeezed lemon juice through a fine strainer that collects all the seeds. These are disposed of, because lemon kernels are not eaten and are rather disturbing. Lemon juice is later used mostly in the frozen state and the removal of the cores is then no longer possible.

Ice cubes, the practical portioning

Of course, you can put all the lemon juice in a single freezer and freeze, but that's not practical. Only rarely is the entire amount of lemon juice needed at once. Many mini containers would be a solution, but it is also different: with an ice cube container.

The pressed lemon juice is poured into the boxes of the ice cube container and then put into the freezer. Please note the following points:

Use and durability

Frozen lemon juice is stable for one year. The sour pieces can be added directly from the freezer in the saucepan. They melt in no time.

With lemon ice cubes, water can be flavored in summer in a simple way.