Summer flower with designer quality - that's how zinnia thrives

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 13 June 2024
Summer flower with designer quality - that's how zinnia thrives - Garden
Summer flower with designer quality - that's how zinnia thrives - Garden


The Zinnia brings color to the summer bed

Summer flower with designer quality - that's how zinnia thrives

Zinnias give the finishing touch to a fanciful farmer's garden. The lavish summer flowers with the bright colors and the tightly upright habit function as ornamental structural plants, eye-catching potted plants and sumptuous gaps in the perennial flowerbed. The care the one-year Zinnia attaches importance to these answers to frequently asked questions.

Plant zinnia properly

Do not plant your preferred or finished zinnias in the bed before mid / end of May. A cold snap throws the flower back in growth tremendously. Prepare the soil in full sun so that it is loosely and well drained. If in doubt, cover a few handfuls of sand or grit with clay soil. Thus, the planting succeeds even the untrained hand:

In the first few days and weeks, you pour your zinnia regularly to force the rooting. As a result, the water requirement is reduced to a low level.
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care Tips

We are always surprised with how little care the zinnia is satisfied with. To properly address the modest claims:

The cinnams and varieties cultured in our regions are not hardy. In late autumn, you pick the plants out of the ground and discard them on the compost.
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Which location is suitable?

The Zinnia requires a full sun, warm location. Lack of light or cool temperatures, the abundance of flowers far below expectations. Combine this with a well-drained, rather meager soil, which likes to be sandy-loamy and not too moist.
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Which soil does the plant need?

Plant the sun-loving Zinnia exclusively in lean, humus-poor and well-drained soil. A moderately dry moisture content is of highest relevance, because too much wetness puts a quick end to the flower life. For cultivating in the bucket this means that, although normal potting soil can be used; Of course, only on the condition that you add sand, fine grit, lava granules or perlite.
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When is flowering time?

If Zinnia finds a sunny, warm and well-drained location, it produces tireless flowers from July to October. Treat the withered basket flowers consistently, because underneath the next buds are already waiting to shine with the sun.
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Cut the zinnia properly

The upright flower stems invite for use as a vase or summer bouquet. Cut off flowering zinnias in the early morning after the dew has evaporated. Leave some leaves on the plant so they can drive out of it. Furthermore, we recommend cutting off the withered flowers in a timely manner. Thus, the zinnia invests its floral energy in the growth of new flowers, rather than wasting them for the growth of seed stalls.
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Water the zinnia

The water requirement of a Zinnia moves at a low level. The summer flower arranges itself with short-term dryness much better than with persistent. Therefore, water a well-grown plant only in summer dryness. Experience has shown that the watering can is used less frequently in bedding than in potted flowers. Use normal tap water, which you put directly on the root disk.
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Fertilize zinnia properly

In the bed, the summer flower is happy about a portion of compost every 14 days. Roughly collect the organic material and water. In addition to this, experienced hobby gardeners overflow the floor once a month with a mix of nettle and comfrey. If the Zinnia grows in the pot or balcony box, apply a liquid fertilizer for flowering plants every 2 weeks.
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The heat-loving Zinnia makes limp even at temperatures below 15 degrees Celsius. For a wintering the sensitive summer beauty is therefore not suitable. In late autumn, get the root bales out of the ground to dispose of them on the compost.
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Multiply zinnia

For the multiplication you collect in the autumn the 5-8 mm long seeds, before the flowers distribute them on your own in the garden. Keep dry in a screw-top jar in the cool cellar, and from the end of February, hold enough seeds for sowing in your hands. Seed the seeds on peat sand or Saaterde, sift this thin and moisten with a fine shower. Situated in a heated room greenhouse, germination requires a constant temperature of 18-22 degrees Celsius. Pike the strongest seedlings with at least 2 leaf pairs in single pots. Until the middle / end of May the planting season begins, keep the soil slightly damp in the sunny, warm window seat.
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Zinnia in the pot

In the pot the zinnia does not demand its gardener any more, as in the bed. Take special care that the flower does not get wet feet. An airy-light substrate with potsherds as drainage effectively prevents waterlogging. Only water when the soil has dried well. You are more generous in terms of nutrient supply. From June to October you give a liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks or give in June and August a slow-release fertilizer in the form of a rod. Do not forget to wipe out the withered flowers. This prudence is rewarded with a well-groomed appearance and a continuous flowering fullness.
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Is zinnia poisonous?

The Zinnia is assigned to the slightly poisonous ornamental plants. The plant sap is full of various alkaloids and other substances that can cause skin allergies when in contact. Wear protective gloves for all your summer flowers.
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Beautiful varieties