Trim Quilting - Tips for correct pruning

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 1 September 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
How to Prune Fruit Trees The Right Way Every Time
Video: How to Prune Fruit Trees The Right Way Every Time


Trim Quilting - Tips for correct pruning

The Zierquitte, also called Scheinquitte, belongs to the slowly awake shrubs. It therefore only needs to be cut a little. You should be careful so that you do not accidentally remove the flower-bearing branches.

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Ornamental flowers only bloom on perennial wood

Japanese and Chinese ornamental quinces develop their flowers and later the fruits only on branches that are at least three years old. The first pruning is therefore only after the third year after planting.

At one- and two-year-old shoots no flowers form. Be careful when pruning, and notice which branches you are cutting.

For older plants, it is usually enough to reach for the scissors only every three years.

Cut back after flowering

A good time to cut back the queuing quills is right after flowering. You remove the shoot tips and all branches that grow inwards.

One- and two-year-old shoots should only be removed if they are too dense or stand out of the shrub.

When pruning, remember that your ornamental quince will not flower, or will flower very little, in the years to come if you have removed too many young shoots.

Care cut in the fall

When grooming in autumn, remove all:

The cut is made directly on the branch or near the ground.

The rejuvenation cut

If the fake quince is very feral, helps a rejuvenation cut to new heights. Keep in mind, however, that the ornamental quince will start producing fewer flowers next year.

For rejuvenation cut about one third of all shoots. Above all, inwardly awake branches must be removed.

Cutting shoot tips

Shorten the shoot tips of the ornamental quince regularly. This makes the bush bushier and denser. You can cut back shoot tips at any time and use them to propagate cuttings in early summer.

Since most ornamental quats are very thorny, you should always work with working gloves made of leather so as not to injure yourself.

Tips & Tricks

When planting a wild fruit hedge of pseudopitia, seabuckthorn, blackthorn and other wild shrubs, you can do without cutting altogether. Here you only need to cut if the hedge spreads too much.
