Can I multiply my witch hazel?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
12 Myths & Misconceptions About Preservatives
Video: 12 Myths & Misconceptions About Preservatives


The witch hazel can be e.g. multiply over cuttings

Can I multiply my witch hazel?

The propagation is not very easy with the relatively easy-care witch hazel and requires some knowledge and a lot of patience. Only as an experienced gardener should you approach this task. Otherwise, you would rather buy a suitable seedling.

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Can the witch hazel be easily extracted from seeds?

The witch hazel can only be very laboriously extracted from seeds. It is one of the cold germs, but must pass twice the so-called stratification (a cold treatment). Collect some seeds from your witch hazel before seed maturity and place them in a container with a moist growing substrate.Put this container in the fridge for the winter or dig it in the garden.

The next summer, the vessel then also spends in the garden, but in a shady place. This is followed by another winter in the cold. During this time, however, the substrate must not dry out.

Only in the next spring, the seeds are ripe for germination. As you can see, the whole procedure requires a great deal of patience until you can plant a witch hazel in your garden.

How do I increase my witch hazel?

With cuttings, you can multiply your witch hazel already in February, if you encourage the plant to premature sprouting or in late summer, if you prefer this time. The cuttings preferred in February require a relatively high humidity and should be put in a heated greenhouse. Mostly, such witch hazel plants are smaller than others.

The easiest way to increase witch hazel is to lower a pliable healthy shoot. Free some of this shoot from its leaves and cover it with soil. The tip should look about 20 cm out of the ground.

To keep the sinker in the ground, you can weigh it down with a stone or fix it with a tent peg. A small cut on the underside of the buried drive piece makes rooting easier.

The best multiplication tips for witch hazel:


If you want to increase your witch hazel, then try lowering it.