Is the witch hazel poisonous?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 25 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Witch Hazel for Poison Ivy -Is it Good, Does it Help with Poison Ivy Rash?
Video: Witch Hazel for Poison Ivy -Is it Good, Does it Help with Poison Ivy Rash?


The witch hazel is not poisonous and is even used as a medicinal plant

Is the witch hazel poisonous?

The witch hazel, also known as witch hazel, is not toxic, it even belongs to the medicinal plants. However, only the variety Hamamelis virginiana, the virgin witch hazel from North America, is used for medicinal purposes. It is already blooming in autumn.

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The healing power of witch hazel is mainly in the bark and in the leaves of the plant. It has astringent (astringent), anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and calming. Therefore, witch hazel is used especially for supportive treatment of skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, inflammation and eczema, but also for wound healing, hemorrhoids, itching and dandruff. Witch hazel plays a major role in homeopathy. There she is indispensable.

Fields of application of Hamamelis virginiana:


Because it is non-toxic, witch hazel is perfectly suitable for planting in the family garden, where even small children play.