Better not enough than too much: fertilize Zamioculcas properly

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The Zamioculcas needs above all nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium

Better not enough than too much: fertilize Zamioculcas properly

Nutrients are essential for plants to live. They take them up via the roots from the substrate, but are only partially available in a vascular culture. Therefore, indoor plants such as Zamioculcas zamiifolia depend on a regular and correct supply of fertilizer

Fertilizer types and forms - advantages and disadvantages

Zamioculcas needs a brightly mixed nutrient cocktail to grow and thrive. The main nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium require the foliage plant in larger quantities. Other nutrients such as iron or manganese, however, are required only in smaller doses. They are also referred to as trace elements. These nutrients must be in balance with each other, otherwise it can lead to growth disorders. Foliar plants such as Zamioculcas require a good green plant fertilizer, which preferably supports leaf growth. You can either use short-term or long-term fertilizer:

Properly dose and fertilize

The Lucky Feather is optimally supplied with a liquid fertilizer for green plants or a corresponding long-term fertilizer. Liquid fertilizer should be given about every four weeks. Follow the instructions of the manufacturer regarding the dosage and mix the fertilizer solution rather too weak than too strong.Stick to the well-tried rule of being better at sparing often than rarely in high concentrations. Always apply the fertilizer only to the substrate, splashes on the leaves by mistake should be rinsed off immediately with plenty of clear water.

When you should not fertilize better

Sometimes fertilization can do more harm than good. For example, freshly transplanted plants only receive the first fertilizer after six to eight weeks - at the earliest. Until then, they feed on the resources available in the fresh substrate. Even sick and infected with pests plants are not fertilized. Only when they are well again, increase the fertilizer gradually. Unfertilized also remain fresh cuttings, since they can not absorb any nutrients anyway. Also in the winter is not fertilized.


In case of over-fertilization, puff out the lucky feather, remove the over-fertilized soil as much as possible and then put the plant back into fresh substrate.