Repotting the Yucca Palm - How to do it

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Repotting Yucca & Snake Plants - Watch Me Work 💪 🌿
Video: Repotting Yucca & Snake Plants - Watch Me Work 💪 🌿


If the pot is too small, the yucca palm will grow badly

Repotting the Yucca Palm - How to do it

The yucca - the word "palm" is actually wrong, because this plant is not a palm species - or palm-leaf is a quite strong and fast growing plant. With good care and sufficient light, this popular indoor plant can grow up to five meters high in pot culture - no wonder it needs to be repotted from time to time. For the best way to do this, read this article.

Previous article Yucca palm gets yellow leaves - What to do? Next article The most common diseases and pests of the yucca palm

When and how often should the yucca palm be repotted

Basically, the yucca should be repotted about every two to three years, although they do not always need a new pot in each case. Very large specimens can also be cut back and then put back in their old bucket with fresh substrate - provided, of course, its size is still sufficient. Always choose the pot so that it is not only wide but also tall - the yucca needs a planter that provides stability, otherwise it threatens to tip over quickly from a certain height. Otherwise, choose spring for this measure, as the yucca wakes up from its hibernation and begins to drive out again.

How to recognize that the yucca should be repotted

High time to repot the yucca is when one or more of the following criteria apply:

Yucca palm feels particularly well in loose soil

Yucca palm trees are desert plants and tolerate neither excessive moisture nor waterlogging. The roots are quite sensitive: they should not be pruned or otherwise damaged during potting. The plant also does not like it if the sensitive roots are only kinked. Root damage is generally recognized by the fact that the plant suddenly leaves its leaves hanging after repotting. Hanging leaves may also be due to an excess of moisture, so provide a loose, well-drained substrate and good drainage. For example, a mixture of unit soil / container potting soil, some sand and perlite or expanded clay has proved to be useful.

How to pot your Yucca palm - a step-by-step guide

And this is how you repot your yucca:


When repotting necessarily wear gloves, the leaves of the plant are very sharp.