Save yucca palm after sunburn

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Saving my Yucca Cane Plant
Video: Saving my Yucca Cane Plant


Sunburn starts at brown tips

Save yucca palm after sunburn

Originally, the yucca or palmlilie comes from the deserts and semi-deserts in the south of the US and parts of Mexico. As a result, the agave plant is ideally adapted to heat, sun and drought. However, specimens cultivated in rooms can quickly become sunburned if suddenly placed in a sunnier place.

Signs of sunburn

Anyone who likes to put their houseplants outside over the summer - which is usually an advantage for them, plants also thrive in abundant fresh air - may well be familiar with the phenomenon: first, the tips of the leaves turn brown and dry, later the whole leaf dries up and eventually gets thrown off the plant. Sometimes burns are also indicated by brown spots on the leaves. But beware: Especially the latter may also indicate a fungal or other pathogen-induced disease. However, the cause may be clear if the discoloration occurs directly after staying in the sun.

How to recognize a sunburn

Measures after a sunburn

First of all, dried leaves should be removed, as the damage caused by the sun is irreversible - this means that the damaged areas will not turn green again. On the other hand, brown or black leaf tips can be left on the plant or just cut off the discolored spot. Otherwise, remove the affected plant from the blazing sun and place in a bright but not directly sunny spot. Above all, make sure that the Yucca dwarfs during the intense midday sun. In addition, plants in sunny locations generally need more water than specimens located in darker / more shady places. But beware: An excess of water does not get the drought-loving Yucca!

Prevention: Yucca slowly getting used to new location

So that it does not come to a sunburn, you should get used to the plant before changing or rearranging slowly to the new location - this is especially true when a houseplant in the spring or early summer from the naturally darker indoor rooms should be set outdoors , Do not make a jerk-off action (which the yucca will most likely resent you), but put the plant a little longer each day at the new location.


It is sometimes said in guides that the plants should be sprayed to increase the humidity with a nebulizer. Basically, this is also a good idea with the yucca from time to time - but not when the sun is shining. Then the water droplets on the leaves act like burning glasses and cause burns.