What will become of winter snowball in the summer?

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Author: Randy Alexander
Date Of Creation: 28 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
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In midsummer the winter snowball bears red fruits

What will become of winter snowball in the summer?

The winter snowball is an ornamental shrub that attracts attention all year round. In winter its flowers give off a wonderful scent and radiate with a white to pale pink hue. What kind of stimulation does he have to offer in the summer and what is needed for care?

Leaves leafy and remaining in the background

In summer, the winter snowball is densely leafy. He is more in the background. Its flowers have recently adopted and have developed from them, the small, spherical drupes.

At first inconspicuous fruits

At first, the fruits are inconspicuously green in June. But during the summer they take on a yellowish hue and finally a shade of red. They are in the middle of the foliage a pretty jewelry dar.

The exterior of the leaves

The leaves look in detail like this:

Summer time is clearing time

In the summer is the perfect time to cut the winter snowball with a cut. If possible, you should consider this immediately when the flowers have passed. So in the early summer between May and June.

Winter snowball is best lighted every year. This old shoots are removed to the base. This should be done by the beginning of July at the latest. Later, the new flower buds have already developed and these would remove you with the cut.

Water in case of dryness and heat

In summer, it is important that you pour the scented snowball abundantly in prolonged dryness and heat - in the absence of rain. You can also mulch it to reduce its moisture loss in the root area.

Cut cuttings in summer

Furthermore, the time has come in the summer for cutting cuttings. Thus, the winter snowball can be easily increased. The cuttings root in a shady location in the pot within 4 to 8 weeks.


With its stature height and width of up to 3 m, the winter snowball can function in summer as an excellent shade and privacy screen.