Winds - a dreaded weed

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
A Rasta Story - Jamaica, Marijuana and Rasta Culture | Cinematic Short Film
Video: A Rasta Story - Jamaica, Marijuana and Rasta Culture | Cinematic Short Film


The winch does not only multiply via seeds but also over its roots

Winds - a dreaded weed

Winches - these perennial plants cause stomachaches and headache for many gardeners. Why? Because they are among the most persistent weeds. With their urge to spread and will to survive is not to be joked.

Winches multiply via root shoots and foothills

These plants have an extremely remarkable propagation mechanism. In addition to their seeds, they multiply via their roots. On the one hand, they form foothills, with which they can extend far into the width. On the other rootlets contribute to the distribution. If you do not completely remove all root parts when destroying these plants, you will probably find them again soon.

Winches deprive other plants of nutrients

Waxing winches in the vegetable patch, perennial flowerbed or elsewhere where you cultivate plants specifically, you can rob these the nutrients in the soil. Thanks to their numerous roots, they manage to easily prevail alongside other plants.

Winches wind other plants and weaken them

With their tendrils, these plants wind other objects and plants in their environment. They are unyielding and cheeky. When such a wind has spread in your bed, it can be hard to remove its tendrils from the other plants.

Field winds and fence winds differ from each other

Many gardeners confused the Zaunwinde with the field winch and vice versa. Here are some of their features that you can not overlook:

How do you fight this weed?

Since the characteristics of the field winds and fence winds are similar in terms of propagation and propagation, the control methods are similar. The fence winch can be most effectively counteracted by digging and covering with foil. This also applies to the field winds.


Although winds are considered weeds. But they do not have to be fought rigorously. In general, the fight is to the utmost unsuccessful, as these plants somehow survive ...