The water - growth factors and care

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 17 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
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Video: 7 Billion: How Did We Get So Big So Fast? | SKUNK BEAR


Water needs, above all, one thing to be happy: water

The water - growth factors and care

The flowers of the Eat (Eupatorium cannabinum) attract many butterflies and other insects in the garden during the summer for many weeks, making the plant a popular garden shrub. Although the Latin name and the shape of the leaves would suggest, there is no botanical relationship to cannabis herb often referred to as water hemp.

Does the water must be poured frequently?

In nature, the Wasserdost seeks its optimal location itself and thrives mostly on shady forest edges, river banks and pond edges particularly magnificent. If you only have relatively dry terrain in your garden, then you should thoroughly water the water during long dry periods. In addition, you should line the planting hole before settling in a location with loam as loosely as possible, as this rainwater can store longer.

When and how is water iodine optimally cut?

If you cut back the aboveground parts of the water in the autumn vigorously, it usually grows stronger in the spring again. In general, the so-called water hemp grows relatively high in a suitable location even without special care in the amount and spread. If the stock grows too much, then you can simply cut off the shoots, which are awake at the edges, in spring and summer. Wear gloves with each cut so that no skin irritation results from the partially poisonous water.

Is there a susceptibility to disease or pests in water-based food?

Basically, the water diet is not very susceptible to diseases, leaves affected by mildew but you should cut out generously and destroy. An infestation with aphids can usually be easily combated with a biologically produced Brennesselsud. For this you need:

The stinging nettles are simply placed in the rainwater for one to two days and then sprayed evenly on the shoots of the plants. Deficiencies of plants in most cases are due to unpase location factors such as lack of moisture.

Should the water diet be fertilized in the garden?

Absolutely necessary is fertilization for the water diet with average nutrient-rich garden soil not. But if you want to fertilize with a dilute manure fertilizer, the early summer is the best time for it. In the bucket cultured water should be fertilized annually with a manageable amount of manure fertilizer.

How is the water diet optimally wintered?

The Wasserhanf or Wasserdost is absolutely hardy in Central Europe in all situations, as it winters as a perennial in the soil. Only specimens planted in the tub should protect you from extreme cold.

Tips & Tricks

At exposed locations, it may make sense to wake up particularly high to bind water with a piece of jute rope together and give him a better grip against the wind with a wooden stake in the ground.