Genus and plant characteristics of Wandelröschens

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Genus and plant characteristics of Wandelröschens - Garden
Genus and plant characteristics of Wandelröschens - Garden


The lantana belongs to the vervain family

Genus and plant characteristics of Wandelröschens

The Lantana camara with its attractive flowers, which change the color of the flowering to the blooming very sexy, is one of the most popular ornamental plants for garden and balcony. So that you can identify the plant beyond any doubt, we have summarized the most important genus characteristics here.

Lantana - a verbena plant

Verbenaceae (Verbenaceae) are a large plant family of about 75 genera and 3,000 species. They are closely related to the labiates. Many popular ornamental shrubs such as the lantana belong to this plant family. They are mainly native to tropical and southern Africa and tropical America.

One of the best known and largest representatives of this family is the teak tree, which can reach a height of up to fifty meters. A species that has been carried off worldwide and in the meantime also wildly thrives here is the real verbena. It is a nitrogen indicator in spotty weed fields and grows wild on paths, walls and fences.

growth habit

The verbenaceae are usually herbaceous small shrubs with often quadrangular stems. The leaves are arranged opposite like the lantana, egg-shaped and stand alone. Rarely come in whorls guardian leaves before, which can then be in three parts.

The flowers are grape-like as in Lantana, sometimes arranged as a spike-shaped or zymös. The pollination is done by insects. Lantana also gives off a very characteristic scent that attracts many bees and butterflies.

The growth form of Wandelröschens

The lantana grows up to 100 inches tall. The blooming period extends from June to October. If the umbels are not regularly cleaned, it will produce many small, bright black fruits in autumn.

Many vervain plants are poisonous

Wear gloves and make sure that children and pets can not inadvertently nibble on the plant while working on your lantana. Like many vervain plants, lantana is highly poisonous in all plant parts, especially in the fruits.


Very popular in our latitudes, the lantana is a dreaded weed in warmer regions that overgrow vast areas and is difficult to control.