Harvest different varieties of delicious forest berries from your own garden

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 9 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Harvesting 12 DIFFERENT kinds of BERRIES at ONCE from the GARDEN
Video: Harvesting 12 DIFFERENT kinds of BERRIES at ONCE from the GARDEN


Blueberries can also be grown in the garden

Harvest different varieties of delicious forest berries from your own garden

Not only common berry varieties such as strawberries, raspberries or redcurrants are suitable for growing berries in the garden. After all, many berries have quite decorative flowers and a rich berry harvest to offer.

These berries are also suitable for cultivation in the garden

In addition to gooseberries, blackberries, raspberries and currants, the following varieties of wild berries are suitable for berry cultivation in the garden:

As berry berries these berries are usually referred to because they occur as wild plants in the forest or at the edge of the forest and do not belong to the classical garden plants, which can be found as cultivars in almost every garden.

Forest berries as the basis for jams, juices and alcoholic drinks

Some wild berries such as the wild forms of blueberry or the elder berries of the elderberry can be enjoyed fresh at harvest time. Although other types of wild berries can sometimes be eaten fresh, they are traditionally more a part of jams, juices rich in vitamins, or the flavor ingredient of home-made wine and sparkling creations, as well as noble brandies. In the latter case, especially the rowanberry brandy is mentioned, in which about 100 liters of mash for the production of two liters of brandy are needed. Rose hips, cornelian cherries, cranberries and blueberries are excellent for making jams. The fruits of the sea buckthorn can be processed into a juice with a particularly high vitamin C content.

Some wild berries are not particularly healthy fresh

While, for example, rowan berries are usually only harvested after the first frosts due to the concomitant breakdown of bitter substances, the berries of the juniper are to be treated with caution because of their ingredients. However, they can be used for the production of smoked flour or as an important flavor ingredient for gin. In the elderberry, many gardeners are even only a part of the berries reach maturity, since months before they already use the fragrant flowers for the production of fruity elderberry or attach the flowers with sugar in water as a homemade beverage syrup. In the case of rose hips care should be taken to diligently remove the sometimes allergic reactions provoking nutlets from the inside both for fresh consumption and before further processing.


The rarely occurring in private gardens Cornus not only bears extremely tasty fruits, but is due to their early flowering from February also an important bee pasture.