Feeding the Venus flytrap - necessary or not?

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Ultimate Venus Flytrap Feeding Guide: Simple Steps to Feed Your Venus Flytrap
Video: The Ultimate Venus Flytrap Feeding Guide: Simple Steps to Feed Your Venus Flytrap


A Venus flytrap does not really have to be fed

Feeding the Venus flytrap - necessary or not?

Some plant lovers may not breed meat-eating plants such as Venus fly traps. Because it raises the question of what the feeding looks like - especially in winter, when there are hardly any insects. The good news is: you do not have to feed a venus flytrap. If you still want to do that, you should keep a few things in mind.

Early article Important information for the care of the Venus flytrap Next article The flower of the Venus flytrap is decorative

Why feeding is not necessary

In the great outdoors, the Venus flytrap feeds on the ground and on insects that are attracted to the trap. Even if you care for the carnivorous plant on the windowsill, it will attract and digest flies, mosquitoes and other creatures.

Additional feeding is unnecessary when keeping as a houseplant. The substrate usually contains more nutrients than the plant needs. Therefore fertilizing is completely superfluous. If a nutrient deficiency actually occurs, the Venus flytrap takes care of the stores in the leaves.

Therefore lovers of exotic plants do not have to do without the breeding of Venus fly traps, because they do not have to provide for supply of insects in winter.

What does a Venus flytrap eat?

The Venus flytrap mainly eats smaller insects such as mosquitoes and flies, but also does not loathe the woodlice.

The insects are attracted by the red interior of the folding trap. As soon as they touch the trap, it closes and includes the "food". Digestion takes place through certain secretions. After a few days, the trap opens again to catch again.

Never feed dead animals or leftovers

Even if you do not have to, you may occasionally feed your Venus flytrap occasionally. As a carnivore, it accepts all animal products.

However, you should refrain from adding milk, leftover food or the like in the trap. The plant absorbs it, but in most cases it spoils the food and makes the trap rot.

Feed exclusively live animals, which must not be too big. For example, wasps are already too huge and the trap dies. Feeding insects should not be larger than a third of the trap.

How often are you allowed to feed?

When asked how often you are allowed to feed a venus flytrap, the ghosts split. Some plant lovers regularly feed at intervals of several days.

Be careful about administering food. Too much causes the Venus flytrap to prematurely die because it simply absorbs too many nutrients.

If you occasionally feed a venus flytrap to enjoy the spectacle of the snapping trap, that's fine, just do not overdo it.


The Venus Flytrap trap also works if you just put one finger in it. As interesting as snapping the trap of a Venus flytrap may be - do not try it too often. If the trap has opened seven times, it dies.