Care instructions for the Vanda Orchid - How to manage the flower crescendo

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
Vanda Orchid Care for Beginners, Watering and Fertilizing Vanda Orchids, Orchid Diva
Video: Vanda Orchid Care for Beginners, Watering and Fertilizing Vanda Orchids, Orchid Diva


Vanda orchids, like most exotic orchid species, need a lot of attention

Care instructions for the Vanda Orchid - How to manage the flower crescendo

The Vanda Orchid redefines extravagance in the wonder world of tropical plants. She prefers dangling lasciviously and bare-root from the ceiling, rather than squeezing her roots into the ground. This unorthodox form of growth requires some rethinking in care. As you fulfill the capricious wishes of the flower diva, read here.

Next article So the Vanda orchid thrives in the glass - tips for the best care

How does the Vanda get to her water? - Dive instead of pour

By not surrounding the roots of a Vanda orchid with a moisturizing substrate, the supply of water is a bit tricky. Since you only make the orchid bloom in the sunny, warm location, the aerial roots dry out very quickly. How to solve the problem:

Under the reduced light and temperature conditions during the winter, it is sufficient to spray the Vanda Orchid once or twice a week.

How is the Vanda Orchid fertilized?

In summer, add a liquid orchid fertilizer to the dipping or spraying water every 2 weeks. Please dilute the concentration given by the manufacturer in half. In winter you extend the fertilizer intervals to 4 weeks, because the lower light supply causes a slower growth.

When and how do I cut a Vanda orchid?

Its flowers discard the Vanda orchid itself or you pluck everything withered. At the end of the flowering period, the plant absorbs its leaves and shoots to benefit from the remaining nutrients in the next season. Ideally, wait until the orchid releases its leaves to twist it out with your fingers. If that does not work, cut off the dead leaves. Likewise proceed with a inflorescence stem. Please shorten this to 2 cm.


With the discovery of Vanda Miss Joaquim in 1893, the triumph of this fascinating orchid genus began. The magnificent hybrid was named after Agnes Joaquim (born April 7, 1854, July 2, 1899), from whose garden in Singapore the breathtakingly beautiful Vanda came from. In 1981, the gem was crowned the national flower of Singapore.