Growing Jerusalem artichokes in the garden - uncomplicated and productive

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 4 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024


Growing Jerusalem artichokes in the garden - uncomplicated and productive

Jerusalem artichoke is a versatile vegetable that enriches the diet raw and cooked. The cultivation in the garden is very simple, because the plant is hardy and hardly demands on location and care.

Next article Jerusalem artichokes - the best varieties for growing in the garden

How is Jerusalem artichoke planted?

Jerusalem artichoke is planted as a seedling or tuber in the field. The tubers are dug up and planted out at the desired location. Alternatively, a tuber remains in the ground and drives out there again.

At what location does Jerusalem artichoke thrive best?

Jerusalem artichokes are not very demanding on the location. It grows in sunny and partially shaded places. If a rich bloom is desired, the plant needs a lot of sun.

Are there particularly suitable locations?

Jerusalem artichoke is an ideal screen that looks very pretty with its yellow flowers. That's why the plant likes to be pulled on fences. Planting is also ideal around the compost heap because the tubers find enough nutrients here.

How should the soil be?

Topinambur thrives best on a well-loosened, nutrient-rich soil. Waterlogging does not tolerate waterlogging.

What does a good soil preparation look like?

Does Jerusalem artichoke have to be preferred?

If the propagation of Jerusalem artichokes is done by seed, it should be brought forward in the seedbed from March. From a height of ten centimeters, the plants are set outdoors.

How is Jerusalem artichoke planted?

The tubers are placed up to 15 inches deep in the ground. The lower they are, the more yield they bring.

Which planting distance must be observed?

Jerusalem artichokes grow very fast and dense. Therefore, keep a longer planting distance. Between the plants it should be at least 40 centimeters. The same applies to the tubers, which are laid out at a distance of 40 by 40 centimeters.

When is the best planting time?

The beginning of spring is the best planting season. Then the plants have enough time to develop bulging tubers. In principle, the tubers can be designed year-round.

Which care does Jerusalem artichoke need?

The plant is extremely easy to care for. In the spring, the weeds should be removed regularly. Later, this is no longer necessary because with increasing size Jerusalem artichoke prevents the emergence of weeds.

Is fertilization necessary?

If the soil is nutrient-rich, fertilizer inputs are superfluous. With nutrient-poor soil, it is sufficient to rake in some mature compost. Caution is advised with nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Too much nitrogen causes the tubers to rot.

How often is Jerusalem artichoke poured?

Especially in midsummer, Jerusalem artichokes needs plenty of water to keep the tubers taut. To water several times a day is advisable. Waterlogging must be avoided at all costs.

How is Jerusalem artichoke multiplied?

Since in our latitudes the seed does not mature on the flowers, seeds must be bought in the specialized trade. It is easier to propagate the tubers that remain in the soil or are planted elsewhere.

When is Jerusalem artichoke harvested?

The best harvest time is autumn. Early varieties are ready for harvest from August, late varieties in late autumn. Topinambur can basically be harvested all year round, as long as the soil is frost-free. Only in case of great drought in midsummer should not be harvested.

How is excessive spreading prevented?

When growing in the garden at fences a root barrier is strongly recommended. Otherwise the trouble with the neighbors is inevitable. Regular harvesting and tuber removal is also helpful.

Is Jerusalem artichoke suitable for keeping in a bucket?

Jerusalem artichokes are easy to pull in a higher bucket. This can prevent the plants from spreading too much.

Does Jerusalem artichoke have to be cut?

In winter, the upper parts of the plant retract completely. Cutting is therefore only necessary in very small gardens if the plant has spread too much.

With which plants is Jerusalem artichoke compatible?

Jerusalem artichoke is a strong typhoon that should not be kept with other heavy eaters. Weak eaters like beans, on the other hand, are good. However, it must be remembered that Jerusalem artichoke forms a lot of foliage and does not give enough light to other plants.

Which diseases threaten Jerusalem artichoke?

On the upper parts of the plant occasionally mildew spreads. The tubers are hardly damaged. If necessary, the affected parts are cut off and disposed of.

Which pests should be considered?

Voles and moles love tubers as much as humans. The rodents should be displaced by appropriate measures. Attention: moles are under nature protection! Snails like to get over the foliage. Regular collection can be helpful. The tubers but harms snail bite hardly.

Tips & Tricks

Jerusalem artichoke contains the multiple sugar inulin (not to be confused with insulin), which is also well tolerated in diabetes as a sweetener. Therefore, it is especially recommended to cultivate root vegetables when eating diabetics.