Is the tiger flower hardy?

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 14 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Tigridia pavonia var. speciosa, the tiger flower: one of the strangest and most bizarre flowers
Video: Tigridia pavonia var. speciosa, the tiger flower: one of the strangest and most bizarre flowers


The beautiful tiger flower is very sensitive to cold

Is the tiger flower hardy?

In contrast to the tiger lily Lilium lancifolium originating from China, the Mexican tiger lily Tigridia pavonia, also called tiger flower, is not hardy. In appearance, these two lilies are very different, but can be easily confused by name.

How do I best overwinter the tiger flower?

Similar to the Schopflilie, it is best to spend the winter in a frost-free but cool room. The temperature should be about eight to ten degrees here. Remove the tiger flower from the soil, cut off remaining leaves and stems and embed the onion in dry sand.

When will I bring the tiger flower to their winter quarters?

For about six to eight weeks, the tiger flower blooms, each flower holds only a single day. When the last flowers of your tiger flower have withered, then limit the flowering of the plant. At the end of October the leaves change color and it is time to prepare the lily for wintering.

When digging up the tiger flower, discover small daughter bulbs, then separate them from the onion and plant them separately. In this way, the tiger flower multiplies by itself.

How do I care for the tiger flower in winter?

During the winter, the tiger flower is rarely and very little watered so that the onion does not dry out completely. About once a month to pour once a week is quite sufficient. Additional nutrients in the form of fertilizer does not need the plant at this time. Potted plants do not have to be taken from the ground, they can overwinter in their own container.

Wintering tips for the tiger flower:


Do not confuse the tiger flower with the Chinese tiger lily, because it is hardy and does not have to move to winter quarters but may stay in the garden.