Maintain the hunger artist thyme properly

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Art of Aromatherapy - 4 CE hrs
Video: Art of Aromatherapy - 4 CE hrs


Maintain the hunger artist thyme properly

In theory, the care of the thyme is actually quite simple: it must be warm and dry, must not have too much water and nutrients, etc. Basically, the plant provides itself. In practice, Mediterranean herbs, such as thyme are also one is, on the other hand, not so easy to handle - the semi-shrub is quite sensitive and takes away even slight care mistakes quickly.

Early article Next article Thyme harvest fresh all year round

How often should you water thyme?

As with all Mediterranean herbs, the same applies to thyme: water carefully and with care! Too much moisture and especially waterlogged the plant acknowledges with rotting roots and finally with their death. Planted thyme does not really need to be poured - its deep and widely branched roots provide for themselves even in dry periods. Only in very hot summer months, when the soil threatens to dry out, you can occasionally pour your thyme a little. Pot thyme, on the other hand, needs regular watering. It is best to water the plant whenever the upper layer of soil in the pot has already dried.

When and with what should thyme be fertilized?

When it comes to fertilizers, you should be very careful - planted thyme does not need any fertilizer at all, except for some compost and / or lime at the beginning of the growing season. Pot thyme is supplied with diluted whole fertilizer about every six to eight weeks. However, be careful not to fertilize the plants - whether in the pot or in the garden - from July.

Do you have to cut thyme?

The half-shrub Thyme melts with age - which in turn leads to a Verkahlung, because from the woody parts of plants no fresh shoots grow out more. For this reason, thyme should be circumcised twice a year. The strong shape cut is best done in the spring, but you should not cut into the old wood - instead, leave about two to three inches of green wood stand. The further cut care takes place during the harvest.

My thyme looks sickly - what could that be and what do I do about it?

Very often it is complained that thyme turns brown after a while and dies - the plant looks more or less dried out. Now do not make the mistake of watering the supposedly dried thyme! In most cases, the plant enters because of waterlogging, whereby the roots rot and thus can no longer provide the above-ground parts of the plant with sufficient water. In this case, you can often save your thyme by putting it into a new pot of fresh substrate (or dig it up in the garden again and work the soil accordingly, for example, mix with sand and potsherds). This should be a root incision, d. H. They cut off the rotting roots with the help of a sharp, clean knife. In permanent wetness gray mold also occurs frequently. In the house or in the greenhouse overwintered thyme, however, often has to fight with spider mites - these can be prevented by sufficient humidity.

Properly overwinter thyme

The best way to overwinter your thyme depends on the variety - some types of thyme are hardy while others are not. For example, you can leave real thyme in the garden in winter and cover it with brushwood or protective mats if necessary, while more sensitive species should overwinter under cold-weather conditions.

Tips & Tricks

Blooming thyme attracts bees, bumblebees and butterflies. With thyme, lavender and all sorts of wild herbs and flowers you can create a great bee pasture in your garden.