Thyme - lush flowering between June and October

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to press flowers with JamJar and Thyme | House & Garden
Video: How to press flowers with JamJar and Thyme | House & Garden


Thyme - lush flowering between June and October

Like lavender, thyme conjures a lush carpet of flowers with purple, pink or white flowers. In particular, creeping varieties offer a charming sight in the garden at flowering time.

Flowering time of the thyme

Most of the approximately 210 thyme blooms in the months of June and July, some even into October. If you want to use the leaves of condiment as a spice or as a medicinal herb, then the concentration of aromatic essential oils is highest shortly before flowering. But also flowering thyme can still be harvested, even if its taste is then not quite as intense. Thyme leaves are best harvested at lunchtime, then they taste best.

Cutting thyme

If you want to harvest thyme all year round in high quality, you should cut the inflorescences regularly, so that the plant again expels fresh, aromatic shoots. Thyme is a perennial half-shrub whose older shoots lime over time - if possible do not cut into old wood, because new shoots are formed from the green branches. The flowers are pollinated by insects such as butterflies or bees - the nectar-rich thyme is a popular bee pasture - and then develop brown seed capsules, the so-called nutlets.

Thyme flowers are edible

Not only the leaves, but also the flowers of thyme can be used for seasoning and garnishing food. For this purpose, cut off whole stems with leaves and flowers and use them either fresh or dried. Unlike many other herbs, thyme keeps its aroma even when dried.

thyme potatoes

A tasty alternative to rosemary potatoes is the lesser-known preparation with thyme. Cook small new potatoes and shell in salted water and fry them with fresh or dried, rubbed thyme leaves in butter all around. The finished thyme potatoes can be beautifully decorated with thyme flowers.

Tips & Tricks

Thyme can also be preserved by inserting the stems with leaves and flowers in honey or olive oil and thus gaining deliciously spiced oil or honey - a great alternative to the rare thyme honey.