Thuja emerald does not like transplanting!

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Author: John Pratt
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Arborvitae Transplanting
Video: Arborvitae Transplanting


Small Thujen can still be transplanted easily

Thuja emerald does not like transplanting!

When choosing the location of a hedge from Thuja emerald, you should proceed carefully. A later transplanting does not like the tree of life. You should only transplant Thuja emerald, as long as the tree is still young and not so long in place. How to plant Thuja emerald

Transplant Thuja emerald - what should be considered?

Old Thujen develop a very pronounced root system that you hardly get out of the ground without damaging it too much.

A young Thuja emerald is relatively easy to transplant because the root ball is not that big and the tree itself is not that heavy.

But expect it to take a long time for the Tree of Life to recover from this procedure. He will wear brown spots for a long time.

The best time to transplant

Best planting Thuja emerald in the spring. Then the Tree of Life has enough time to regenerate until winter.

Dig up Thuja emerald

Cut off the earth around the Tree of Life. The distance from the trunk should be up to one meter, depending on the size of the Thuja emerald.

Then gently guide a grave fork under the root ball and try to lift it.

Pull the Tree of Life out of the ground so that as few roots as possible are bent or damaged.

Prepare new location

The new location for the hedge should be as sunny as possible and a little windless.

Lift a planting hole twice the size of the root ball. Loosen the soil thoroughly and remove any thickening.

Mix compost, horn shavings or deposited manure under the substrate.

Replant Thuja emerald

Carefully plant the tree of life so that as few roots as possible are bent. Fill the planting hole and press the ground tight.

Then water the hedge or the single tree well. Water for several weeks until the roots have recovered to relocate.


If the Thuja emerald needs to be transported for a long time after excavation, cover the root ball with sufficient soil in burlap. He does not dry out so fast then.