Delicate beauties - The different varieties of plate hydrangeas

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Author: Louise Ward
Date Of Creation: 11 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Comparing 2 popular hydrangea varieties: Macrophylla (mophead) vs Paniculata (panicle)
Video: Comparing 2 popular hydrangea varieties: Macrophylla (mophead) vs Paniculata (panicle)


The flower color of the plate hydrangea varies depending on the pH of the soil

Delicate beauties - The different varieties of plate hydrangeas

Like the hydrangea Hydrangea macrophylla, the hydrangea (botanical Hydrangea serrata) originates from Japan, only the var. Koreana comes from Korea. It is very similar to the Lacecap or plate forms of Hydrangea macrophylla, but is daintier in all parts. The growth heights achieved are on average between 30 and 50 centimeters below those of the farmer hydrangea varieties.

Plate Hydrangeas are very frost hardy

Typical of plate hydrangeas is a slight tendency to form short foothills, which is also more pronounced in some subspecies. Hydrangea serrata has similar claims to the location as Hydrangea macrophylla, but prefers even more semi-shaded spots. In the sun, the foliage burns very easily and causes unsightly brown leaf margins. The frost hardiness, however, is clearly better than Hydrangea macrophylla, which proves to be a preference in winter cold areas.

Plate hydrangeas and farm hydrangeas can be combined well

The flowering time of the Serrata varieties is about two to three weeks before the heyday of the Macrophylla varieties, so both varieties can be combined very well to extend the flowering period.

The different varieties of Hydrangea serrata

In the table below you will find a list of some of the most beautiful plate hydrangeas.

Tips & Tricks

Like farm hydrangeas, many of the leaf hydrangeas flower blue in acidic soils. But you have to help with a special fertilizer, the hydrangea blue.