Are there different varieties of hollyhocks?

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Here’s Why Every Gardener Should Grow This Flower | Hollyhock aka (Alcea rosea)
Video: Here’s Why Every Gardener Should Grow This Flower | Hollyhock aka (Alcea rosea)


Stuffed hollyhocks are especially beautiful

Are there different varieties of hollyhocks?

The Hollyhocks (Alcea) is a genus of plants that includes about 60 species. The best known variety is probably the common hollyhock, which stands as an ornamental plant in many cottage gardens and is also used as a medicinal plant.

How do I find the suitable hollyhock for my garden?

The hollyhocks can be two meters high and even larger, depending on the variety. And when it comes to flower color, garden owners have a wide choice from white over yellow, pink and red to almost black flowers. The flowers can simply be filled. Hollyhocks can also be combined well with daisies, lupines or larkspur.

All varieties prefer a sunny and warm location as well as a well-drained soil. Therefore, you can choose the pase hollyhock to your taste. As a privacy shield on the fence, choose a high-growing species with filled flowers, such as the Alcea rosea plena. It is about 1.80 - 2 m high and is available in yellow, pink or red.

Which species of hollyhock are especially beautiful?

In addition to the already mentioned Alcea rosea plena with filled flowers, the black-red blooming Alcea rosea'Nigra' is considered to be particularly decorative. The dark flowers of the nearly 2 m high waking plant are unfilled. You can use it to prepare a tasty cough tea or use the flowers for dyeing.

The perennial hollyhock, Alcea rugosa, grows up to 2.20 meters high. It flowers bright yellow and is also known as the Russian Hollyhock or Yellow Hollyhock. Unlike other hollyhocks, it is relatively rarely attacked by mallow rust and also tolerates lean soil and short periods of drought. So it is a little easier to care for than the other hollyhocks.

Particularly interesting varieties of hollyhock:


If you would like to plant several hollyhocks in your garden, then combine different colors and varieties together.