The sunflower - a profile

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Author: Monica Porter
Date Of Creation: 18 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Cigg x TWISTIN - Sunflower (ft. Dande) OFFICIAL MV
Video: Cigg x TWISTIN - Sunflower (ft. Dande) OFFICIAL MV


The Latin name of the sunflower is Helianthus

The sunflower - a profile

The sunflower is the symbol of summer in our latitudes. The often awake plant is not only pulled because of its beautiful flowers. As an oil plant and soil conditioner, it is grown industriemäßig.

Wanted poster of the sunflower

Sunny location preferred

As her name suggests, sunflowers love the sun. The sunnier the location, the more beautiful the flowers become.

A permeable soil is required. Although sunflowers like a lot of moisture, waterlogging does not tolerate the roots at all.

As a star collector, the sunflower needs a very nutritious soil. Regular fertilizer feed up to twice a week is good for her.

Pull in the field or pot

In the open air, the great varieties of sunflowers develop the most beautiful flowers, provided the summer is very sunny, warm and it does not rain too often.

Sunflowers can also be easily grown in a pot or better bucket and maintained on the terrace or balcony. For it, small-sized varieties are best suited.

Grooming sunflowers in the flower vase

Sunflowers are also very beautiful flower vase. However, they do not last very long there. Daily water changes and frequent cutting increase the lifespan of the flowers.

If you want to preserve sunflowers for longer, it is recommended to dry the flowers.

Drying is also recommended if you want to harvest the seeds to feed them in winter as birdseed or to consume even in the kitchen.

Tips & Tricks

Flowers and leaves of the sunflower always align with the sun. Heliotropism is called this growth form. Only the parts of the plant that are currently in the shade grow.