The rich variety of summer raspberries

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Author: Eugene Taylor
Date Of Creation: 15 August 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Raspberry Pruning 101: How To, When, & Why
Video: Raspberry Pruning 101: How To, When, & Why


The rich variety of summer raspberries

Summer raspberries are available in countless variations. Externally, they differ at most in size and color. The variety of flavors, on the other hand, can only be found out by tasting. A small selection of popular summer raspberry varieties and tips on cultivation and care.

Summer raspberries in different colors

If you think that summer raspberries have to be red in the first place, then you should learn a lesson. The delicious fruits are also available in yellow and black.

Popular red summer raspberries

Popular yellow summer raspberries

Black raspberries

Black raspberries can be counted on both summer and autumn raspberries.

Ripening time of summer raspberries

In contrast to autumn raspberries, summer raspberries usually bear more fruit. For this reason too, they absolutely need a scaffold, so that the rods do not bend under the weight of the fruit.

The first summer raspberry varieties already mature in mid-June. The later varieties, however, you can reap only in July. The harvest season of summer raspberries only takes a few weeks.

Cultivation and care of summer raspberries

The cultivation of summer raspberries is no different from autumn raspberries. Like all raspberry varieties they love a sunny spot with well drained soil.

However, summer raspberries need more care because they are more susceptible to disease. They are more likely to suffer from Ruthen disease. The reason for this is that when pruning only the biennial rods are removed after harvesting.

Summer raspberries bloom at a time when the raspberry beetle swarms to lay its eggs. From them develop larvae, which later show up in the fruits as maggots.

Tips & Tricks

Summer raspberries are considered very susceptible to diseases and maggots. Breeders are therefore keen to develop new varieties that are resilient to diseases and produce rich crops. Before deciding on certain species of summer raspberry, advice in a nursery is advisable.