The right location for the snowball shrub

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 13 May 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to plant Snowball Viburnums
Video: How to plant Snowball Viburnums


The sunnier the location, the better the snowball feels

The right location for the snowball shrub

Not every snowball shrub of over 100 species is the same and so the different varieties have different demands on their preferred location. If they do not like their location, then they will show this at the flower.

Most snowball species like a damp to wet soil and a sunny to partially shaded location, but the woolly snowball likes a rather dry humus soil. The snowball generally does not like too much wind, so if possible, plant it in a sheltered place. As a rule, it blooms lusciously when it gets more sun, but occasionally it also carries the risk of burning.

The ideal location:


The sunnier your snowball shrub is, the luscious it will bloom.