Cut the sleeping tree - How to cut a silk acacia

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 24 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Albizia julibrissin (Persian silk tree): 365 days time-lapse - from seed to bonsai forest
Video: Albizia julibrissin (Persian silk tree): 365 days time-lapse - from seed to bonsai forest


The silk tree can be cut as a tree or shrub

Cut the sleeping tree - How to cut a silk acacia

Basically you do not have to cut the sleeping tree or silk tree at all. Most silk acacia naturally develop a very beautiful, even crown. A pruning plays a role, above all, if you want specific designs or want to keep the sleeping tree in shape.

Next article Tips for the propagation of the silk tree

Draw a sleep tree as a tree or shrub?

Important is the question of whether you want to draw the tree as a shrub or tree.

If a tree is to grow, do not cut the silk tree at first. When cultivating as a shrub, you must top the top shoot to develop many side shoots.

The right time to cut the silk acacia

Cut the sleeping tree in the spring, preferably in May. A silk acacia is good cut compatible. However, there should be no more frosts, because the sleeping tree then does not handle the pruning so well.

How do you cut the silk tree correctly?

In the design of the tree as a tree cut off in the first years only disturbing side shoots. You only have to shape the crown by cutting it when individual branches disturb the overall picture.

If the sleep tree is pulled into bush form, cut off regularly the tips of the branches. As a result, the shrub branches better and looks more compact. Weak and thin shoots should also be cut. They weaken the silk acacia unnecessarily.

It is cut with a clean and sharp secateurs. The cut is always done directly over one eye.

Strong pruning at Vergeilen the sleeping tree

If the shoots of the sleep tree are badly healed or no new shoots are forming below, you may cut back the silk tree to half the height.

Limit growth by pruning

The sleeping tree is quite fast growing in a favorable location. If he does not want to be that high, cut him back every year.

If you maintain the silk acacia in the tub, you can shorten the roots a little while repotting. Then the sleeping tree grows a little slower.


The sleeping tree can also be maintained well as bonsai. It is well cut tolerant and can be pulled in different forms. The pruning takes place after flowering or in late summer.