Keep reed on the balcony

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 19 June 2024
Mac Miller - Thoughts From A Balcony
Video: Mac Miller - Thoughts From A Balcony


Reed forms a dense, natural screen

Keep reed on the balcony

Reed is an attractive method to protect yourself from the prying eyes of neighbors on the balcony and terrace - without a building permit! In the following, you will learn which reed species thrive best on the balcony and terrace and what has to be observed in terms of plants and care.

Which reeds are suitable for the balcony and terrace?

In general, most miscanthus and reed species can also be pulled in the bucket. However, keep in mind when choosing a very high reed species, such as the giant miscanthus, you need a very large planter and have to transplant the plant every few years in a larger bucket.

Professionals recommend for breeding on the balcony especially the Miscanthus species 'Miscanthus sinensis Malepartus' with a height of 0.75 - 1.25 meters and for a high visual protection of the giant miscanthus Miscanthus x giganteus, which is up to two feet high ,

Sunny or shady?

Reeds like it sunny, that also applies to balcony plants. Even in partial shade, it thrives well. However, if your balcony is completely in the shade, you should rather look for another balcony plant, because reed grows much slower in the shade.

Water reed on the balcony properly

Miscanthus likes it moderately moist, but does not cope well with waterlogging. Reed, on the other hand, cope with excessive moisture - after all, it is a bank plant. So make sure you have sufficient drainage, especially with the Chinese Miscrean. You can also plant reeds in water, e.g. in an attractive tub pond.

Maintaining reeds on the balcony

The right way to water is the nuts and bolts. Fertilizer needs reeds only once a year, preferably in the form of compost. A pruning in the spring after the winter break is highly recommended to remove old, dried stalks and make room for new green.

Reed hibernate on the balcony

In general, both miscanthus and reed are hardy. When keeping in the bucket on the balcony, it is still useful to provide winter protection to protect the roots from freezing. So overwinter your reed on the balcony: