Plant the sour cherry: That's how it's done

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Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 21 June 2024
Plant the sour cherry: That's how it's done - Garden
Plant the sour cherry: That's how it's done - Garden


Plant the sour cherry: That's how it's done

The purchase has been made, the sour cherry is in the garden and now they should get to know their new location. But beware: Not every place is suitable for this fruit tree. What should be considered when planting the sour cherry, you will learn below.

Earlier sour cherry and sweet cherry - what differences are there? Next article How and when - to cut the sour cherry

Which location is best?

Compared to the sweet cherry, the sour cherry is more modest in terms of location. It is more robust and can cope better with rough conditions such as altitudes. She prefers to grow in a warm, sheltered and sunny to partially shaded location.

How should the underground be?

Since the roots of sour cherry expand far into the depth, you should keep this in mind when planting. The substrate should be well drained and mild to moderate in order to prevent later disease and rot. Ideally, a gritty to sandy clay soil with a high humus and nutrient content.

When is the best time?

The best time for planting came in autumn. You can also plant the sour cherry in spring. Although container plants can be planted year-round on frost-free days, spring or autumn are preferable. Then the sour cherry has enough time to root freely (do not invest any power in flowers, leaves and fruits).

Which plant neighbors are recommended?

If your sour cherry is to produce fruit, it should either be self-fertile or near a pollinator. As pollinators other sour cherry varieties or sweet cherries are suitable. For such neighbors a minimum distance of 3 m should be kept.

How is it planted?

Tips & Tricks

It is recommended to attach a support pile only when the sour cherry is in a strongly drafty position. Otherwise, the stake would to some extent prevent it from developing its own stamina and later depending on a helping post.