So you cultivate sage masterfully - many practical tips

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 15 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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So you cultivate sage masterfully - many practical tips

For sage to thrive in your garden, the plant needs careful care. Immerse yourself here in the crucial fundamentals around the balanced water and nutrient balance, proper cutting and wintering.

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How is sage to be properly watered?

As a typical plant of the Mediterranean climate, sage has adapted well to dry weather conditions. Well-established specimens are therefore content with the natural rainfall. In the youth stage, however, the water requirement turns out to be relatively high. The following tips give more information:

Does the plant need a fertilizer?

True sage extracts nutrients from the soil at medium levels. Therefore fertilize the herb plant every 2 weeks from May to August with compost and horn shavings. If you keep the sabi herb in the bucket, it is advisable to use organic liquid fertilizer.

When and how is sage cut?

In order to cultivate the evergreen semi-shrub, the right cut proves to be the linchpin. So that the shoots with the aromatic leaf habit do not lignify, you should follow the following tips:

The main cut is made in early spring, when it does not freeze. Remove the withered leaves and cut the branches down to 15 centimeters.

How does the wintering succeed?

So that you can care for sage over several years, the plant should survive the winter unscathed. True sage can withstand temperatures down to -10 degrees, while tropical species are not hardy. Do the following with the following tips:

In a mild winter, the chances are good for a consistent harvest, because it is an evergreen plant.

Which diseases and pests threaten?

If you care for sage properly, you rarely have to fear diseases or pests. If it comes to health problems, put the usual suspects behind it, such as mildew, Verticillium and aphids.

Tips & Tricks

Use sage as a decorative as well as effective bed border. As has been determined in the context of definite observations, the sage scent effectively expels voracious snails, caterpillars and other animals.