Cutting the switchgrass correctly - tips for timing and cutting

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 28 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The beautiful rodent millet is often cut as ornamental grass for the vase

Cutting the switchgrass correctly - tips for timing and cutting

With the advent of winter, the millet has by far not fulfilled its tasks this year. Anyone who hastily reaches for the scissors robs them of a wintry eye-catcher in the bed and on the balcony. Similarly, the beneficials of the garden lost a safe haven. Nevertheless, the rodent millet does not get along completely without cutting. Read here how to do it right.

Best time is in the spring

A winter hardy millet does not mind biting frosts down to - 28 degrees Celsius. If the eyrie inside, however, exposed to wintry continuous wet, rotting and mold threaten. The withered stalks therefore act as a natural shield against the rigors of cold wet weather. The benefits of the garden also appreciate this advantage, so that the millet is a frequent hideaway.

Therefore, do not cut back your rodent until early spring. Choose an appointment in February or March, in time for the new shoot. If the first straw tips of the pair of scissors fall victim, they turn brown. With this flaw you then quarrel for the rest of the year.

The correct cut is so

The filigree appearance of the stalks belies the sharp edges that cause painful cuts. Wear protective gloves before starting work with the freshly sharpened, disinfected scissors or saw. How to do it right:

In view of the weather conditions of recent years, the bud after a mild winter can have already taken place very early in the year. In this case, put the scissors or saw aside. With gloved hands comb the grass as far as possible.


The cutback in early spring is the starting point for this year's care program. Now is the best time to give your turkey a good dose of compost and horn shavings for a lush shoot of fresh stalks.