Put the beetroot and serve it out of the glass

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Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
20 Different plating techniques | simple techniques for sauce/gel | art on plate | by Monika Talwar
Video: 20 Different plating techniques | simple techniques for sauce/gel | art on plate | by Monika Talwar


Beetroot can be seasoned with seasoning spices

Put the beetroot and serve it out of the glass

If the beetroot with its tubers more than meets the fresh needs, they must patiently queue for later in the vegetable queue. As a waiting area next to the freezer and a mason jar in question. The vinegar bath is good for the earthy-tasting root.

The season for fresh tubers

From September to November is the harvest season of the red tubers. Who sows early in the year, can rupfen first copies even in July from the garden soil. Beetroot is edible at any stage of growth, but young tubers are particularly aromatic and tender. They also make themselves popular as pickled vegetables. The season of beetroot is also the best time to fill glasses with this healthy delicacy.


By the way, beetroot may also be written with two "e" according to the currently valid spelling. So beetroot and beetroot.

Prepare beetroot

Beetroot is only placed in the preserving jar when it has been thoroughly cooked. How to properly prepare the tubers:

    Clean the tubers with a vegetable brush under running water. Put the clean beetroot in a saucepan and add cold water and some salt. Bring the beet to a boil and simmer for a further 30 minutes on a low setting. For large tubers, the cooking process can last longer. The cooking process is completed when the peel dissolves easily. Drain the cooking water, chill the tubers off with cold water and allow to cool. Peel the beetroot and cut it into pieces, slices or leave it completely, depending on what the recipe requires.


Wear suitable gloves when working with beetroot, because the red juice has a strong coloring effect. The red color can also be removed easily with a splash of lemon again.

Make Essigsud yourself

An Essigsud keeps the beetroot sour and therefore long-lasting. It is prepared similarly for most recipes. The base is a good vinegar that is diluted with twice the amount of water. As an acid donor, the mild wine vinegar is ideal, but even a tasteful balsamic may make the beetroot sour. The vinegar is boiled with the specified amount of salt and poured hot over the beetroot, just as grandma has done in earlier times. If the pieces should taste not only sour, but sweet and sour, sugar is added to the broth.

Spices, herbs and other ingredients

Pickled beetroot is not only fond of sour or sweet-sour, it also withstands many other flavors. There are therefore numerous recipes that include, among other things, the following ingredients in the preparation:

You can use these ingredients to create your own recipes by inserting them together with the beetroot in the vinegar.

Suitable containers

The best place for pickled beetroots are glasses. These are acid-resistant, easy to close and do not affect the taste of the contents. Whether you buy extra glasses in stores or reuse old glasses is up to you. In any case, they must be clean and largely germ-free. However, the temperature in the dishwasher is too low to sterilize the glasses in it.

Cook the glasses in water for 10 minutes. Alternatively, the sterilization can also be done in the oven at 140 degrees Celsius. Again, the glasses must withstand the heat for 10 minutes to effectively kill the germs.

Recipe for spicy beetroot like grandma

For a kilogram of beetroot you also need the following ingredients:

If you have more red tubers to work with, simply adjust the amount of remaining ingredients.


    Cook the beetroot as described above. After cooling or peeling, cut the tubers into smaller pieces. Remove the onions from the skin and cut into fine rings. Layer beetroot and onions alternately into the glasses. From the remaining ingredients, boil a vinegar. Fill the glasses with the still hot broth. Close the jars and place on the lid until cool.

Storage and durability

The sweet and sour pickled beetroot like grandma has a shelf life of several months. However, the glasses must be stored in a cool and dry place. If you want an even longer shelf life, you can also boil the beetroot.

A cracked glass belongs in the refrigerator until the entire contents are consumed. This should not be too long to wait.

Conclusion for fast readers: