How To Plant A Horse Chestnut - Tips And Tricks

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 21 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Grow A Horse Chestnut Tree From Seed To Tree Easy Step By Step Guide 🌲
Video: How To Grow A Horse Chestnut Tree From Seed To Tree Easy Step By Step Guide 🌲


The horse chestnut likes bright locations

How To Plant A Horse Chestnut - Tips And Tricks

Surely you know the horse chestnut as a street tree. It is powerful and imposing, but can also be planted well in a large garden. Do not confuse this tree with the chestnut, it belongs to a completely different plant family.

The best location

Similar to the sweet chestnut, the horse chestnut prefers a sunny location. Although you may plant a small tree, keep in mind that a horse chestnut grows very large. A height of up to 30 meters is normal depending on the variety, the crown then has corresponding proportions.

Give your horse chestnut sufficient space and do not plant the tree directly next to the house wall or against a high wall. A distance of at least eight to twelve meters should also be maintained for the neighboring chestnut or other trees.

The nature of the soil

Although the horse chestnut does not demand too much from the ground, it certainly has its own preferences. If possible, plant the tree in a volcanic, loamy-sandy or loamy-gritty soil with sufficient potassium and phosphorus. Good permeability prevents persistent waterlogging. Fresh moisture does the horse chestnut but quite good.

The best time to plant

Ideally, plant a horse chestnut in late spring. There should be no frost to be expected, it responds to a fresh planted tree quite sensitive. It's best to wait for the ice saints in May.

The correct planting

If you have found a suitable location for your horse chestnut, then lift out a sufficiently large planting hole. It should be about twice the diameter of the root ball of your tree.

Loosen up the ground well, add plenty of compost, if necessary also some potassium and / or phosphorus. Do not lower the horse chestnut into the ground deeper than it used to be in the ground and water the tree well.

The essentials in brief:


The horse chestnut does not like to move. Give her a place that is big enough for the mature tree.