Cut the roses perfectly - a guide

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
7 Rules for Pruning Roses
Video: 7 Rules for Pruning Roses


A bunch of roses does not have to be educated as a tribe

Cut the roses perfectly - a guide

Hochstammrosen put the beautiful flowerage of this flower into the center of attention. This is why stem roses are especially suitable as solitaires so that they can fully develop their effect. Like all roses, high trunks must be cut regularly to maintain their beauty. How you do this best, our instructions tell you.

How to cut high standard roses properly?

Stem roses are by no means a separate class of roses, which somehow needs a special cut, but simply stalks or shrubbery grafted onto a trunk. For this reason, one cuts a bunch of roses exactly as one would cut the grafted variety in the form of a low rose bush.

Cut rose stem

For most of the high stem roses, between the end of March and the beginning of April there is a strong pruning to one or two eyes as in the case of the bed roses, only soft grape varieties are only cleared. When cutting, make sure that the shape of the crown is round and compact. For this, cut the side shoots a little shorter than the middle drives. Also, remove the weaker part of criss-crossing shoots and sharply cut or slash weak and thin branches down to the base.

Cut mourning and cascade roses

You should not cut cascade roses at all for the first three to four years (except, of course, to remove sick or frozen shoots in the spring). Afterwards, the pruning is done less hard in order to preserve the drag-like growth character of the crown. For this you leave the strong shoots, which form the skeleton, and only shorten the side shoots to one or two eyes. Note that more flowering varieties are cut differently than once-flowering ones! In the main, they often cut like blooming roses, but once blooming, they are only lighted after flowering.

Important when cutting: hygiene

Thorough hygiene measures can curb the spread of diseases such as rose rust and blackspot. Cutting waste should neither be composted nor shredded; Do not leave the leftovers on the beds. Use only clean and sharp cutting tools and disinfect the rose scissors with alcohol in between.


In the case of rose stems, which have been perfumed with the variety of rose blossoms, in summer also withered shoots should be removed to encourage the development of further flowers. A flowering break after the first pile in June is prevented by the so-called pinching, in which up to a third of shoots with flower buds are removed.