Recognize and combat rosary diseases

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Author: Judy Howell
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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Rose rust is one of the most dreaded rose diseases

Recognize and combat rosary diseases

Roses have long been the image of the sensitive diva, although this is basically no longer true with the modern breeds. Many new varieties are very insensitive to the well-known rosacea, but of course not completely immune to it. You can strengthen the natural resilience of the plants even more by paying attention to a good location and a good care. Just as important is the choice of variety: roses with the so-called ADR seal are tested to be particularly robust and durable.

Harmful and antidotes at a glance

If you notice abnormalities of leaves, trunk, shoots or flowers, it is important to act as quickly as possible. By the timely intervention of the gardener, many infections can be well contained at the beginning, so that no lasting damage to the plants are to be feared. For this reason, you should check your roses regularly for possible damage pictures and react appropriately in case of illness. In order to make this easier for you, we have described the current rosette diseases succinctly and succinctly.


A chlorosis shows up mainly in spring, when the rose petals are pale yellow and only the leaf veins initially remain green. In addition, the rose grows miserable and develops only a few flowers. The cause is in most cases in an iron deficiency, d. H. if the uptake of the important nutrient from the soil is hindered. This can be done for example by a liming of the roses. Rarely, a lack of nitrogen (in case of incorrect or insufficient fertilization), waterlogging or frost damage on the wood cause the symptoms. The chlorosis can be eliminated by injecting iron or leaf fertilizer and fertilize the plants with deposited compost, horn shavings or manure. Prevent chlorosis by aerating the soil well with regular loosening, fertilize the roses in a balanced manner, and water them in the event of dryness.

Powdery mildew

The powdery mildew in roses is caused by the fungus Sphaerotheca pannosa var. Rosae and occurs mainly in warm, humid weather, when the rose petals do not dry quickly. On the surface of leaves, shoots and buds is a white, floury and easily eradicable surface; The leaves are also reddish colored and deformed. The damaged areas continue to grow, but only miserably; Buds do not open at all. The powdery mildew can be quite reliably combat with an old home remedy: Inject several times a day several times diluted with milk whole milk (ratio 1:10). You can also prevent this fungal disease by choosing resistant varieties that fertilize roses balanced and also look out for a breezy location. In the spring, the plants should be cut back strongly.

Wrong mildew

The harmful fungus Peronospora sparsa causes the so-called downy mildew, which occurs mainly in late summer and autumn and as a result of strong temperature fluctuations. On the underside of the leaves there is a gray-white mold lawn, on the underside, however, brownish to purple spots. These occur first of all on young leaves, but spread quickly. The infected leaves wither and are finally discarded. In the case of an infestation with downy mildew you should absolutely collect all the leaves and destroy them, the soil can be disinfected with field horsetail broth. The disease can be prevented by placing the roses in an airy location, leaving enough space between the individual plants and illuminating them regularly.

beef Brand

Elongated, reddish-brown spots mainly around the eyes in the case of last year's, not mature shoots are not only an indication of possible frost damage, but may also be due to the bark firing. This rose disease is also caused by a harmful fungus and can be fought only by a strong pruning in the spring. In addition, a splash with green copper (commercially available), which should be carried out in winter helps. Prevent bark firing by balancing the roses in a balanced manner, aerating the soil (loosen the soil) and providing the plants with potassium magnesium in August.

Rose rust

The rose rust caused by the harmful fungus Phragmidium mucronatum is one of the most common rosacea diseases. It occurs mainly in humid summers and shows through yellowish to reddish spots. On the underside of the leaves rust-red and dusting dots can be seen, which turn black towards the winter. It is the winter spore camp from which the disease breaks out again the following spring. Rosenrost mainly attacks roses on loamy and compact soils, which is why loosening the soil as well as mixing sand and compost is a good preventive measure. Infested leaves should be collected and disposed of, while the rose can be strengthened by a treatment with field horsetail stock.


Also the predominantly occurring in late summer, blackspot, caused by the harmful fungus Diplocarpon rosae, is one of the more common rosacea diseases. It shows itself first by dark spots with star-shaped edges on the upper sides of the leaves; later the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Typically, the near-grounded leaves are infested first. Collect the affected leaves and disinfect the soil with field horsetail stock. In addition, it helps to put around the rose cloves of garlic in the soil or to plant garlic. Choose resistant varieties for prevention and plant them in an airy location. Be sure to follow the recommended planting distances and avoid over-fertilization with nitrogen.

Ring spot disease

The ring-blotch disease caused by the harmful fungus Sphaceloma rosarum occurs mainly in midsummer and on leafy varieties. A humid, warm weather promotes the development of the disease. Typically, the center of the round, reddish patches on the top of the leaf dies and remains gray with a black border. You can prevent this disease by providing an airy stance, giving restoratives (such as field horsetail broth) and early removal of affected leaves.


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