Fertilize roses three times a year

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 20 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
When to Fertilize Roses
Video: When to Fertilize Roses


Compost is an excellent fertilizer for roses

Fertilize roses three times a year

For your roses to grow well, have a healthy leaf color and also bloom abundantly, you need to fertilize them regularly. The popular garden plants are not only pronounced starvationers who need a lot of nutrients - they also need them in the right composition. For example, roses are not necessarily used with fertilizer that emphasizes nitrogen, as this only stimulates growth, but not the development of flowers. What you should pay attention to when properly fertilizing your roses is explained in the following article.

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Do not fertilize roses until spring

Usually, roses are planted in late autumn between October and early December. At this time, they are in the dormancy, so fertilization (for example, with compost) is basically pointless - the roots would not absorb the nutrients anyway. Fertilization takes place for the first time in spring after planting, optimally between the end of March and the beginning of April. Now the roots absorb the nutrients and pass them on as desired.

Basic fertilization with organic or mineral fertilizer

Roses are fertilized with organic or organic-mineral fertilizers twice a year, once at the beginning of the growing season around the beginning of April and a second time immediately after flowering, but not later than the beginning of July. After July fertilization, roses should no longer be taken care of, otherwise the shoots will not be able to ripen in time for winter, threatening to freeze over at low temperatures. If possible, use only organic fertilizers or mixtures of organic and mineral fertilizers. Pure mineral fertilizers (such as blue-grain) contain too much nitrogen and are therefore unsuitable for roses. Special rangers, on the other hand, contain just the right amount of nutrients.

Organic fertilizer releases nutrients only slowly

While mineral fertilizers immediately release their nutrients to the plant (and thus more quickly overfertilize), organic such as compost or cattle fertilizer their only gradually in the course of the rotting process to the plant from. Therefore, the risk of over-fertilization is much lower, but the nutrients of the rose are not immediately available.

Improve nutrient-poor soil

So many nutrient-poor soil is not naturally low in nutrients, but merely leached. Whether this is also the case with your garden floor can be determined by a soil analysis. In most cases, gardeners in Germany, however, the opposite problem, because many soils are simply too "fat", because they have been fed over the years too strong and uncontrolled with nutrients. However, you can improve an actually nutrient-poor soil according to the indications of the soil sample.

Complete basic fertilization with liquid fertilizer

In addition to the basic fertilizer you can supply your roses with liquid fertilizer throughout the growing season, but in low concentration - this is to prevent over-fertilization. This type of care is particularly relevant in roses cultivated in pots and then relevant when the basic fertilization is coming to an end too quickly. For example, it can be quickly washed out by frequent pouring (in high heat) or frequent rain. When it comes to supplying liquid fertilizers, you should above all focus on organic means.

Final fertilization in August

In addition to the supply of nutrients is also recommended a final fertilization with Patent Kali, which should be carried out in August. This supports the new shoots at their maturity and ensures that the rose is hardened and winterized. Bring this fertilizer out at the end of August at the latest, as a later one will no longer have a positive effect on the maturity of the plant.

Treat chlorosis in roses

If the leaves of the roses turn yellowish, chlorosis, or iron deficiency, may be behind it. You recognize this deficiency disease on the pale leaves, where at the same time the leaf veins emerge strong. An iron deficiency occurs especially at a soil pH of 7.5 and is primarily treated by moving the soil more in the acidic direction again. This happens, for example, by the addition of peat or the supply of an acidic fertilizer. You can bring back the fresh green foliage color at short notice with the help of a special fertilizer.

Fertilize bucket roses properly

In the case of tubs, regular fertilization is particularly important, as the plant can not provide itself with nutrients from the soil. In addition, the nutrient supply in a spatially limited planter is usually exhausted very quickly. Roses in the tub are given a slow-release fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season, which provides the plant with continuous nutrients for several months. In addition, a supplementary fertilization with a low-dose, liquid fertilizer. As opposed to the planted specimens, tub roses should be fertilized until September, otherwise they may be deficient in nutrients.


Make sure to water your rosebuds vigorously after each fertilization. In this way, the nutrients get right where they belong: to the roots.