Proper rhubarb care - little effort, rich harvest

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 21 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Rhubarb Harvesting - Everything you need to know
Video: Rhubarb Harvesting - Everything you need to know


Proper rhubarb care - little effort, rich harvest

A professional care of rhubarb is all about a few factors. Which are these and how they are realized, the following lines to the point.

Earlier article Share rhubarb and multiply easily Next article Diseases are the exception to rhubarb

How to pour rhubarb?

Adult rhubarb plants develop a huge amount of leaves. In addition, they evaporate large amounts of water in sunny locations. The need for irrigation water is at a correspondingly high level.

Which fertilizer is recommended?

As a starvation craves rhubarb for a constant supply of nutrients. From February to June, regularly apply a well-calculated dose of garden compost to the soil. A mulch layer of grass, leaves or pine needles retains moisture in the soil and releases valuable nutrients.

After the harvest, the focus of fertilization shifts to the administration of nitrogen. Add horn chips or horn meal to the compost. Spraying with nettle or liquid guano is also recommended.

When should rhubarb be implemented?

Healthy rhubarb lingers at the site for seven years. After this long period of cultivation, reposition the plant so that the soil can recover. Experienced hobby gardeners now divide the rhizome to rejuvenate and multiply rhubarb.

Does rhubarb have to be cut for wintering?

From June, rhubarb may grow as he pleases. In this way, he creates power reserves for the upcoming season. Before winter arrives, the plant pulls its remaining stems and leaves independently. Clipping is not required.

Only in rough locations and in the first year is winter protection recommended:

Are certain diseases threatening?

Rhubarb mosaic disease is considered the most important disease. The symptoms are in the form of mosaic-like green, yellowish or brown necroses. A direct fight is so far not possible. Preventive effect the meticulous use of virus-free planting material, the constant elimination of aphids and sprays with Livermoss extract.

Tips & Tricks

Regular weeding is an indispensable part of the care. Shortly before the harvest, skilled gardeners no longer rake the rhubarb. The result is a significantly lower nitrate level in the plants.