How to aerate the lawn in an exemplary way - Tips for aerifying

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Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The Scotts Way: How to Aerate Your Lawn
Video: The Scotts Way: How to Aerate Your Lawn


How to aerate the lawn in an exemplary way - Tips for aerifying

An intensively used lawn gradually condenses, so that it literally cuts off the air from the grass roots. When it is recommended to aerate the lawn and which devices facilitate the work, you can find out here.

What does aerify actually mean?

There is a widespread error among hobby gardeners, and the terms "aerify and scarify" refer to the same care measure. In fact, use a scarifier to comb moss and weeds from the surface of the lawn by rotating motorized rollers to scrape the sod 3-5mm deep. If you ventilate the lawn, use the following:

Dehumidifying your lawn in this way eliminates harmful waterlogging and prevents it from forming again. In addition, more oxygen gets to the grass roots, in order to activate the growth there.

When does it make sense to aerate the lawn?

In winter, long-lasting wet and frosty temperatures are the reason for the sensitive turf. Moss is spreading, weeds are protruding and waterlogging is forming. And that's not all, the summer activities with playing children, paddling pools and boisterous barbecues put pressure on the sod. When you drive particularly well with the venting of the lawn, you will find out here:

Proper aerification is undoubtedly associated with additional work. Anyone who wants quantitative proof of the urgency of this measure measures the degree of compaction with a penetrometer. These devices determine the penetration resistance in bar by punching the soil. At the same time, a staining reaction provides information about the result, from green (0-15 bar) for unnecessary over yellow (15-22.5 bar) for recommended to red (22.5 bar +) for urgent.

Step by step guide to machine aeration

Aerating optimizes the oxygen supply and the water outlet of the lawn by special spikes perforate the turf. This is easily achieved with the help of machine-operated devices, which can be rented in well-assorted DIY stores and rental shops. How to ventilate the lawn exemplary:

The tempo determines whether you hole deep enough. If the devices drive too fast, they will punch too far away. If the speed is too low, the lawn will be perforated too much.


Mechanical aerators are handy, but they do produce a lot of noise. Prudent hobby gardeners take into account the statutory rest periods for the work around the aeration of the lawn, as they are also prescribed for the operation of the lawnmower. Weekdays from 9-13 clock and 15-17 clock, the devices may worry about the turf hole what the stuff holds.

This is how you ventilate the lawn manually

To aerate small lawns, the retailer has manually operated devices on offer. Particularly useful are devices with a stable rail, on which a handle with ergonomic handle is located. The conical spines positioned at the bottom are hollow. Through these spoons, the earth is pushed up at each hole and caught in a tub. That is how it goes:

The following rule of thumb serves as an indication of when a lawn is effectively aerated: 200 holes per square meter adequately vent a compacted sod. The devices should be equipped with at least 2 spikes. With every additional spoon, you aerate the lawn more intensely, but of course you are forced to do more with every punch.

Devices for every budget

Regularly venting an intensively used, large grassy area may be worth investing in a motorized aerator. For the lawn in the front yard, however, from a financial point of view, the purchase of manual devices is more likely. The following overview presents some common aerators as decision support:

Scarlet meadows first - that's how it works

Hard-working amateur gardeners complicate their work unnecessarily if they aerate a mossy lawn. In addition, after the holes still get too little oxygen to the roots in a matted grassy area. It therefore makes sense to scarify the green before venting. Follow these steps:

Without further delay, you then proceed to aerate the lawn. At the end, do not be put off by the battered appearance. With this intensive care program you have set the course for a velvety-green, dense lawn carpet. What is missing now fine finishing, convey the following lines.

Sanden sets the perfect finish - that's the way it works

Professional aerating results in a finish that revolves around the holes that have been created. By sanding a layer of sand, the lawn will have an effective drainage. How to do it right:

If the grass vegetation appears to be particularly thin after being aerated, skilled hobby gardeners combine sanding with a reseeding. Thanks to the fine grains of sand, the grass seeds are distributed excellently and germinate quickly.

Topdressing - sands to perfection

English lawn artists have developed the sands after aeration of the lawn. The goal of a durable green in perfect optics in mind, the experts created the top dressing. Here, the sand is enriched with organic substances, such as compost, horse manure or Lauberde. The result was a mixture that not only compensates for bumps, but also improves the soil structure.

Tips & Tricks

During the summer, hobby gardeners keep frowning on how long a dry lawn is to water.A soda sample reveals the need for water. Simply cut out a 10 centimeter deep piece of the lawn. If only the upper 3 cm are dried, blow up the lawn for 1 hour. A five-centimeter thick dry layer requires a sprinkling time of 1.5 hours.