Ranunculus - conditionally hardy

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Author: Robert Simon
Date Of Creation: 15 June 2021
Update Date: 22 June 2024
Harvesting Ranunculus, Planting, Pinching, Staking Dahlias, and More!! Northlawn Flower Farm
Video: Harvesting Ranunculus, Planting, Pinching, Staking Dahlias, and More!! Northlawn Flower Farm


In mild regions, the ranunculus can be wintered outside

Ranunculus - conditionally hardy

It is autumn. Not only the season of most fruit plants, but also the season of ranunculus is over. In order to enjoy the Ranunculus again next year, you should know about their hardiness!

Previous article Cut the Ranunculus - for what purpose? Next article What to do so that Ranunculus are perennial?

Most varieties are not frost-proof

Even if it so many a dealer probagiert: Ranunculus are not sufficiently frost hardy in this country. Most varieties tolerate no frost or just a few degrees below zero. A few specimens are still frost hardy to about -10 ° C. However, the compatibility of these minimum temperatures should not be put to the test. Quick the tubers are frozen and the plants over ...

Hibernate outside in mild regions

Do you live in a climate-friendly region such as Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland or the Lake Constance region? Or you rely on farmers rules and the upcoming winter should be guaranteed mild? Then you can overwinter the ranunculus outside.

In order to protect the tubers, which are about 5 cm deep, in winter, it is recommended to cover them with a warming layer. Suitable for this are brushwood, compost or fleece. Lay the material generously over the area of ​​the tubers.

Endangered specimens that require protection

Not all Ranunculus need to be overwintered. Especially young plants, freshly seeded Ranunkeln, Ranunkeln, which are in rough situations and those specimens that are in the pot, box or bucket outside on the balcony or terrace, should be overwintered.

Dig up the onions and overwinter

In addition to the opportunity to cover the tubers outdoors, you can perform the wintering Indoor. That's how it's done:

The wintering quarter should not only be frost-free. It is also important that it is cool (6 to 8 ° C are optimal), dark, dry and airy. Well suited are basements. For example, put the tubers in a wooden box, a pot of soil, or wrap them in paper and place them in a bowl.

The right timing

When the leaves and flowers are thrown off, the time has come to dig up the tubers for the winter. This is usually the case towards mid / late October.

Hibernation ends in the spring around March. The onions are placed in cold water for about 5 hours. They are then placed 5 cm deep in soil. From the end of April, the plants can be planted outdoors again.


If you decide to dig up the tubers for the winter, take advantage of the opportunity to grow! Remove the bulbs that were formed at the root bulb! You can plant them in the spring.