The optimal care for the popular purple people

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Author: Roger Morrison
Date Of Creation: 28 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
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The purple turkey should be repotted regularly

The optimal care for the popular purple people

The Purpurtute (Syngonium) belongs botanically to the Aronstabgewächsen and is with its attractive leaves a popular house plant. With some help, this plant can reach a length of several meters climbing or crawling with good care.

How often should the purple turkey be poured?

When watering the Purple Turkeys use low-calorie, room-warm water. Thus, the Purpurtute is poured sparingly about once a week, because too much moisture is not tolerated. The purple turkey, however, appreciates a high humidity, which can be achieved by spraying the leaves.

What should be considered when repotting the purple people?

The purple turkey should be repotted regularly, not only when the plant pot is already fully rooted by an older specimen. Replace the substrate in the pot with fresh soil. The best time for repotting is the early spring, before the purple turkey starts with increased growth in the bright summer season.

When and how should the cut of a purple groove take place?

Withered leaves can be removed at any time, but usually indicate care mistakes. Airborne roots formed above the substrate surface should not be cut off, but rather covered with planting substrate. Too long shoots of purple can also be cut off and used for the propagation of cuttings.

Which pests can be problematic in purple turkeys?

The purple turkey, like the dragon tree, can occasionally be attacked by spider mites, woolly or shield lice. You can prevent this danger with the highest possible humidity. An already established infestation can be combated either by mechanical collecting or by commercial means.

Is purple blood commonly infested with diseases?

The purple turkey can enter very quickly when waterlogged, which is clearly visible in the withering of the leaves. You can sometimes save the plant in such a condition, if it is immediately repotted into fresh substrate and poured only very sparingly.

When and how should a purple turkey be fertilized?

From spring to autumn, the purple bag can be supplied with a complete fertilizer or a low-dose liquid fertilizer.

How do you best get a purple turkey through the winter?

In winter the purple turkey needs the following conditions:


The purple groove should not be placed directly over a radiator, as this location is too warm for optimal growth, especially in winter.